问题 单项选择题

  光是人类生存的三大要素之一,我们一刻也离不开它。但是,当科学技术,特别是信息技术越来越希望光波进一步为人类服务时,我们发现普通的光有一些本质的缺点:光的颜色(或波长)不单一,方向不单一,相位不一致。普通光的这种缺点,其根本原因是由于它是自发发射光,不受控制的光。但是,早在1916年爱因斯坦就已经在量子理论的基础上提出过一种崭新的既念:构成物质的原子或分子可以在光波的作用(控制)下产生一种称为受激(控)发射光的过程。这就暗示子物质的原子或分子可以通过受激发射的形式对光波进行放大的可能性。后来理论物理学家又证明:受激发射光波和激励(控制)光波具有相同的方向、波长、相位和偏振。这就为实现激光奠定了理论基础。但是,当时的科学技术和生产水平还没提出这种实际需求,所以激光也不可能超越时代而凭空地被发明出来。到本世纪50年代,光学技术和无线电技术的蓬勃发展,迫切提出了需要一种能像无线电波振荡器一样地产生可被控制的光波振荡器,也就是今天所说的激光器。这时,一批目光敏锐、敢于创新的青年科学家提出了利用原子、分子的受激辐射放大光波,并在一种开放式光波谐振腔中产生光波振荡的崭新科学思想,并于 1954年制成微波受激辐射振荡器,继而在1960年制成利用红宝石作为工作物质的激光器。至此,30多年前爱因斯坦的科学概念得到了实际应用。实验观察到的激光特性完全符合理论预言:具有相同波长、相同方向、相位一致和相同偏振。不仅如此,由于上述特征的综合,使得人们可以获得极高的激光功率密度,以及采用专门技术获得超短激光脉冲等。









“I Love My Neighborhood” Poster Contest

The “I Love My Neighborhood” Poster Contest was developed in l993.It aims to educate your students and their families about neighborhood pride and duty.Lessons and activities are provided in a teacher’s guide.Students can learn about the sources of litter and pollution prevention.


All children in primary schools are invited to submit(提交) one piece of work. The Winning posters will be reproduced and handed out throughout the neighborhood.

◆Students are encouraged to bravely use different colors and to be as creative as possible! It is up to the student and you to decide which art tool to use such as crayons. Color pencils are not advised because they do not     reproduce well.

◆The topic, “I am part of my neighborhood!” must be included in the design of each poster. The Committee requires that students include their

mascot(吉祥物) in each poster.

◆All work must be on normal-sized paper for winning posters reproduction purposes. Over-sized posters will have no chance of taking part in the final competition.

◆All work submitted must be the child’s own work.Your students can be guided by you or their parents; we simply want to avoid poster not     drawn by themselves.   

◆Please review each poster before submitting.

Each work to be submitted must include the student’s name, grade level,your name and school name on the BACK of each poster.

For more information or questions about the 2012 “I Love My Neighborhood” Poster Contest, contact(联系) Jaixen Webb at (818) 551-6933 or   jwebb@ci.glendale. ca.us    ’

小题1:We can learn from Paragraph l that the contest ______.

A.has a history of more than 20 years

B.offers kids activities organized by parents

C.aims to protect the environment by the power of art

D.hopes kids can feel proud of their neighborhood小题2:To win the contest, students must _____.

A.use different-sized Paper

B.design a mascot for the contest

C.avoid using crayons and color pencils

D.draw the posters by themselves小题3:The text is mainly written for ______.


B.neighborhood committees



单项选择题 B1型题