问题 材料题


材料一  僇力本业、 耕织致粟帛多者,复其身(免徭役);事末利及怠而贫者,举以为收孥。    


材料二  世儒不察,以工商为末,妄议抑之。夫工固圣王之所欲来,商又使其愿出于途者,盖皆本也。                                 ——[明末清初]黄宗羲:《明夷待访录》  

材料三  朕观四民之业,士之外,农为最贵。凡士工商贾,皆赖食于农,以故农为天下之本务,而工贾皆其末也。                                 ——《清世宗(雍正)实录》









(1) 时期及政策:(战国时期秦国)商鞅变法时期的重农抑商政策。基本含义:强调要发展农桑、重视耕织,并限制商业和手工业的发展。




On the New York set of the film Hide and Seek, ten-year-old Dakota Fanning spends her time playing a deeply disturbed girl who deals with her mother's suicide (自杀) by creating an imaginary friend, who may not frighten her family.

Today, though, she has the day off. "This week I only worked two days,"says Fanning, sitting in a sofa in her hotel's library, "but I get bored when I'm not working. Especially because it's cold here and I can't do anything, you know? So, I've been knitting (编织) --- all day, every day."The actress, who's held her own opposite Oscar winners such as Sean Penn and Denzel Washington, recently mastered the fine art of scarves (围巾). Though she's about ready to move on to hats, she first plans to make a souvenir (纪念品) scarf for Robert De Niro, who plays her father in the film. "He's the nicest guy you'd ever meet in your entire life,"she says, her voice dropping to a whisper. "I would make him a brown one.”

Like any other fifth-grader, Fanning spends several hours a day going to school. In addition to her personal trailer (活动住房) --- which is kept well-supplied with hot chocolate packets, lemon Gatorade, and a TV that doesn't always work --- she has another trailer where her teacher, Jan, conducts classes in history, spelling, reading, math, science and health. "We have this big board where we have a calendar (日历),"Fanning says. "When we were here in January, I wrote the calendar in all blue. February was red, and March was green.”

On this particular morning, she had a spelling test. "There was a topic for each of the word lists,"she says, sitting on her knees. "This one was flowers --- they were all names like oxygen, carbon dioxide, chrysanthemum (菊花)..."Chrysanthemum? "Well, they didn't make me spell that one. They just had me fill in the ‘e'. But I can spell it: c-h-r-y-s-a-n-t-h-e-m-u-m.”

小题1:Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Dakota Fanning is a young gifted actress.

B.Dakota Fanning is a lonely orphan.

C.Dakota Fanning is a creative pupil.

D.Dakota Fanning has many interests.小题2: Dakota Fanning has to knit all day in order to _____.

A.kill time

B.make money

C.master a skill

D.make a scarf for her boyfriend小题3:By saying that "He's the nicest guy you'd ever meet in your entire life”, Dakota Fanning really means that _____.

A.she is the daughter of Robert De Niro

B.she has fallen in love with Robert De Niro

C.she is in love with Robert De Niro

D.she admires Robert De Niro very much小题4:What would be the best title for the text?

A.Dakota Fanning's Role

B.Dakota Fanning's Knitting Art

C.Dakota Fanning's Day Off

D.Dakota Fanning's Spelling Test