问题 阅读理解

When Tom finished his studies at the university (大学), he began to look around for a job. He did not know what he would like to do, but one of his uncles had worked for the government for thirty years, and he advised Tom to try to get a job of the same kind, so he went for an exam one day. He was successful, and his first job was in a large government office in London.

When Tom had been working there for a few weeks, his uncle came to visit the family one Saturday evening. He was pleased that his nephew (侄子) had got a job working for the government, and he asked him a lot of questions about it.

One of the questions he asked was, “How many people work in your department (部门), Tom?”

The young man thought for a few moments and then answered, “About half of them, Uncle Jim.”

小题1:When he graduated (毕业) from university, Tom was not ________.

A.interested in getting any information from the government

B.looking for a good-paying job with excellent hours

C.good at making decisions

D.very good at science小题2:What did Tom think of his uncle’s advice?

A.He did not like it.

B.He thought it was good

C.He refused to take it.

D.He was unable to follow it.小题3:The uncle wanted to find out ________.

A.what his nephew was doing

B.how his nephew was getting on with his job

C.whether his nephew could understand him or not

D.what his nephew had expected小题4:In fact Tom’s answer means that __________.

A.the people working in the government office were in many groups and they worked in turn

B.most of the government workers were not working hard

C.only half of the government workers went to work on time

D.the government office had more people than needed







阅读下面的文言文,(文中三个“□”是为考查而设),完成5-9小题。刘敞,字原父,临江新喻人。举庆历进士,廷试第一。编排官王尧臣,其内兄也,□亲嫌自列,乃以为第二。通判蔡州,直集贤院,判尚书考功。奉使契丹,素习知山川道径,契丹导之行,自古北口至柳河,回屈殆千里,欲夸示险远。敞质译人曰:“自松亭趋柳河,甚径且易,不数日可抵中京,何为故道此?”译相顾骇愧曰:“实然。但通好以来,置驿如是,不敢变也。”顺州山中有异兽,如马而食虎豹,契丹不能识,问敞。敞曰:“此所谓驳也。”为说其音声形状,且诵《山海经》、《管子》书晓之,契丹益叹服。使还,求知扬州。扬之雷塘,汉雷陂也,旧为民田。其后官取潴①水而不偿以它田,主皆失业。然塘亦破决不可漕,州复用为田。敞据唐旧券,悉用还民,发运使争之,敞卒以予民。天长县鞫王甲杀人,既具狱,敞见而察其冤,甲畏吏,不敢自直。敞以委户曹杜诱,诱不能有所平反,而傅致②益牢。将论囚,敞曰:“冤也。”亲按问之。甲知能为己直,乃敢告,盖杀人者,富人陈氏也。相传以为神明。敞以识论与众忤,求知永兴军,拜翰林侍读学士。大姓范伟为 * * 利,冒同姓户籍五十年,持府县短长,数犯法。敞穷治其事,伟伏罪。未及受刑,敞召还,判三班院,伟即变前狱,至□四五,卒之付御史决。敞侍英宗讲读,每指事据经,□以讽谏。时两宫方有小人间言,谏者或讦而过直。敞进读《史记》,至尧授舜以天下,拱而言曰:“舜至侧微也,尧禅之以位天地享之百姓戴之非有他道惟孝友之德光于上下耳。”帝竦体改容,知其以义理讽也。皇太后闻之,亦大喜。积苦眩瞀,屡予告。帝固重其才,每燕见他学士,必问敞安否;帝食新橙,命赐之。疾少间,复求外,以为汝州,旋改集贤院学士、判南京御史台。熙宁元年,卒,年五十。 (选自《宋史·刘敞传》,有删节)【注】①潴:蓄积。②傅致:罗织。




