问题 选择题

《碧水蓝天——展望21世纪的中国环境》研究报告中称:“到2020年,我国将建成轻轨铁路约900 km;到2050年,将建成4 500 km 共300条的城市轻轨铁路。” “7·23”温州动车事故后,铁道部部长盛光祖在接受记者采访时表示,为积累安全管理经验,在高速列车运营初期,中国将全面下调运行时速。这是铁路系统对中国高速列车的一次“补课”。据此完成小题。

小题1:修建城市轻轨铁路,除了能改善城市交通,还可以(  )




D.调整城市的经济结构小题2:图中轻轨穿行地区都采用高架线路,其目的主要是(  )












     I have a friend. He has a large police dog. The dog's name.is Jack. Police dogs are often very clever.

Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes the long walk very much.

One Sunday afternoon, a young man came to visit my friend. They talked and talked. Soon it was time for my

friend to take Jack for his walk. But the visitor was still there. Jack became very worried about his walk in the

park. He walked around the room a few times, and then sat down directly in front of the visitor and looked at

him. But the visitor paid no attention. He went on talking. Finally Jack could no longer stand it. He went out of

the room and a few minutes later he came back with the visitor's hat in the mouth.

( )1. A. The writer's friend has a police dog named Jack.

           B. The writer's friend's name is Jack. 

           C. The writer's name is Jack

(      )2. A. Every Sunday afternoon the writer's friend goes to the park for a walk. 

            B. Every Sunday afternoon the dog goes to the park for a long walk.

            C. Every Sunday afternoon the writer s friend and his dog go to the park for a long walk.

(      )3. A. The visitor was old.

            B. The visitor was young.

            C. The visitor was neither old nor young

(      )4. A. The visitor paid attention to the dog.

            B. The visitor paid a little attention to the dog.

            C. The visitor paid no attention to the dog.

(      )5. A. The visitor came back with his hat in his hand.

            B. The dog came back with the visitor's hat in his mouth.

            C. The writer s friend came back with the visitor's hat in his hand.
