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氧气是一种重要资源.下列有关氧气性质或实验现象的叙述中正确的是(  )








(三)背景资料:某机电设备安装公司承包了一台带换热段的分离塔和附属容器、工艺管道的安装工程。合同约定,分离塔由安装公司制造成订货,建设单位提供制造图纸。由于该塔属压力容器,安装公司不具备压力容器制造和现场阻焊资格,故向某具备资格的容器制造厂订货。安装公司为了抢工期,未办理任何手续,在分离塔运抵现场卸车后,直接就吊装就位,并运行后续的配管工程。在工程实施过程中,出现了以下事件:一、管道系统压力试验中,塔进、出口管道上的多个阀门发生泄漏,检查施工记录,该批由建设单位提供的阀门在安装前未进行试验。安装公司拆卸阀门并处理完后重新试压合格,工期比原计划延误6 天。安装单位就工期延误造成的损失向建设单位索赔,遭到建设单位拒绝。二、在联动试运行中,分离塔换热段管板与接管连续的多处焊缝泄漏,试运行中止。安装单位对塔泄漏处进行了补焊处理后,再次启动试运行,而塔的原漏点泄漏更加严重,不得不再次停止试运行。分析事故原因,确定是由分离塔质量问题引起的,但未查到分离塔的出厂质量证明文件和现场交接记录。由于分离塔待修停工,是该项目推迟竣工投产2 个月。为此,建设单位要求安装单位承担质量责任并赔偿全部经济损失。问题:



In the 1960s, the Pharmaceutical Company Sandoz marketed its tranquilizer Serentil with ads suggesting the drug be prescribed to "the newcomer in town who can’t make friends and the woman who can’t get along with her new daughter-in-law. The executive who can’t accept retirement." But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stopped the ads. Drugs are supposed to treat illnesses, the agency said, not the changes of living.
Isn’t that an unusual idea The FDA was worried back then about an overmedicated society. Today 7% of Americans are on antidepressants (many more have tried them), and ads try to persuade people to buy drugs for problems like fatigue, loneliness and sadness. Still, drug companies aren’t the (sole) villain. Horwitz, dean of social and behavioral sciences at Rutgers, and Wakefield, an expert on mental-illness diagnosis at New York University, persuasively argue that many instances of normal sadness are now misdiagnosed as depressive disorder. They also point out that the capacity to feel sad is an evolutionarily selected trait that we might not want to drug away.
We’ve been living in an age of sadness for at lease two decades. But while it’s tempting to blame our culture — fear of terrorists, too much caffeine — there’s a more straightforward explanation for the boom in sadness. In 1980, the American Psychiatric Association published a new definition of depression that was a radical departure from the old one, which had described "depressive neurosis" as "an excessive reaction of depression due to an internal conflict or to an identifiable event such as the loss of a love object." To be diagnosed with major depressive disorder today, you need have only five symptoms for two weeks, which can include depressed mood, weight gain, insomnia, fatigue and indecisiveness. The definition does make an exception for bereavement: if you recently lost a loved one, such symptoms are not considered disordered. But it doesn’t make exceptions for other things that make us sad — divorce or financial stress.
Still, is there anything wrong with medicating normal sadness if you don’t mind side effects Horwitz and Wakefield take no position on this. They point out that women giving birth take painkillers even though pain is a normal part of the process. But they also note that "loss responses are part of our biological heritage." Nonhuman primates separated from sexual partners or peers have physiological responses that correlate with sadness. Human infants express despair to evoke sympathy from others. These sadness responses suggest sorrow is genetic and that it is useful for attracting social support, protecting us from aggressors and teaching us that whatever prompted the sadness — say, getting fired because you were always late to work — is behavior to be avoided. This is a brutal economic approach to the mind, but it makes sense: we are sometimes meant to suffer emotional pain so that we will make better choices.

Which of the following is the passage primarily concerned with

A.( Sadness is a normal human emotion that serves a specific purpose

B.( Sadness makes humans strive for happiness or contentment

C.( Sadness and happiness are definitely two sides of the same coin

D.( Sadness is now diagnosed as depressive disorder