问题 单项选择题

依据《中华人民共和国招标投标法》,某地公路部门就建设高速公路项目招标,则该项目的评标工作由谁来完成( )。







解析:由于评标工作意义重大,关系到招标人、投标人多方的利益,因此法律要求评标工作应由招标人组建评标委员会来评标,且对委员的组成有一系列的特殊规定。选项ABC都不符合法律规定,所以应选D。《招标投标法》第37条规定:评标由招标人依法组建的评标委员会负责。   依法必须进行招标的项目,其评标委员会由招标人的代表和有关技术、经济等方面的专家组成,成员人数为5人以上单数,其中技术、经济等方面的专家不得少于成员总数的2/3。   前款专家应当从事相关领域工作满8年并具有高级职称或者具有同等专业水平,由招标人从国务院有关部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府有关部门提供的专家名册或者招标代理机构的专家库内的相关专业的专家名单中确定;一般招标项目可以采取随机抽取方式,特殊招标项目可以由招标人直接确定。   与投标人有利害关系的人不得进入相关项目的评标委员会;已经进入的应当更换。


Green space facilities are contributing to an important extent to the quality of the urban environment. Fortunately it is no longer necessary that every lecture or every book about this subject has to start with the proof of this idea. (46) At present it is generally accepted, although more as a self-evident statement than on the basis of a closely-reasoned scientific proof. The recognition of the importance of green space in the urban environment is a first step on the right way. (47) This does not mean, however, that sufficient details are known about the functions of green space in towns and about the way in which the inhabitants are using these spaces. As to this rather complex subject I shall, within the scope of this lecture, enter into one aspect only, namely the recreative function of green space facilities.
(48) The theoretical separation of living, working, traffic and recreation, which for many years has been used in town-and-country planning, has in my opinion resulted in disproportionate attention for forms of recreation far from home, whereas there has been relatively little attention for improvement of recreative possibilities in the direct neighborhood of the home. (49) We have come to the conclusion that this is not right, because an important part of the time which we do not pass in sleeping or working is used for activities at and around home. So it is obvious that recreation in the open air has to begin at the front door.
(50) The urban environment has to offer as many recreation activities as possible, and the design of these has to be such that more obligatory activities can also have a recreative aspect. The very best standard of living is nothing if it is not possible to take a pleasant walk in the district, if the children cannot be allowed to play in the streets, because the risks of traffic are too great, if during shopping you can nowhere find a spot for enjoying for a moment the nice weather, in short, if you only feel yourself at home after the front door is shut.