下列加线字的读音全都相同的一项是[ ]
A.鲱鱼 斐然 柴扉 诽谤
B.梗节 鲠直 哽咽 田埂
C.模型 摸索 摩崖 磨房
D.蹩脚 隐蔽 憋闷 鳖裙
下列加线字的读音全都相同的一项是[ ]
A.鲱鱼 斐然 柴扉 诽谤
B.梗节 鲠直 哽咽 田埂
C.模型 摸索 摩崖 磨房
D.蹩脚 隐蔽 憋闷 鳖裙
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 An old man had three children, all boys. When they had grown up, he called them together and told them that he was very __36__ and no longer able to provide, __37__ for himself .He ordered them to go out and bring him food and clothing. The three brothers __38 __ , and after a very long while they came to a large__39__. They decided that once they got across they would __40__. The eldest told the youngest to take the middle road, and the second to go to the right, __41__ he himself would go to the left. Then, in a year’s time, they would __42__ to the same spot. So they parted, and at the end of a year, as __43__, they found their way back to the riverside. The eldest asked the youngest what he had gotten during his travels, and the boy __44__: I have nothing but a __45__ . If you look into it, you can see all over the country, no matter how far away.” When asked __46__ what he had gotten, the second brother replied : “Only a pair of sandals that are so full of __47__ that if one puts them on one can walk at once to any place in the country in one step.” Then the eldest himself, said: “ I , __48__ , have obtained but little, a kind of medicine, that is all. But let us look into the mirror and see how father __49__.” The youngest __50__ his mirror, and they all looked into it and saw that their father was already __51__.Then the elder said: “Let us __52__ home and see what we can do,” So the second brought out his sandals, and all three placed their feet inside them and , __53__ , they reached their father’s grave. Then the eldest took the__54__ out of his bag, and poured it over the grave. At once their father __55__, as if nothing had been the matter with him. Now which of these three sons has performed the best?