问题 计算题






解:(1)线圈在图示位置产生的感应电动势最大,其大小为Em=nBωS=nBωab·bc ①

代入数据解得:Em=50V ②

(2)转动过程中平均感应电动势 ③ 


转动90°过程中 ⑤   


代入数据,解得q=0.1C ⑦




     Sam and Pat are   1  . They're in   2   class. Sam works harder and studies better   3   Pat. One day the
teacher asks the students   4   a composition. The name of the composition is "My mother". Sam   5   a
composition and is going to hand it to the teacher. Pat says, "Sam, let me have   6  ." Pat reads it and copies it.
     The   7   day, the teacher asks Pat,"   8   is your composition just as  9  , Pat?"
     "Because we have the same  10 ." Says Pat.
( )1. A. sisters    
( )2. A. one        
( )3. A. with       
( )4. A. to write   
( )5. A. copies     
( )6. A. drink      
( )7. A. this       
( )8. A. Why        
( )9. A. Sam        
( )10. A. brother   
B. friends       
B. the same      
B. as            
B. write         
B. writes        
B. a good time   
B. that          
B. What          
B. Sam’s        
B sister         
C. brothers     
C. a            
C. like         
C. writes       
C. reads        
C. a walk       
C. next         
C. Which        
C. Sams        
C. uncle      
D. girls       
D. a different              
D. than        
D. writing     
D. makes       
D. a look      
D. another     
D. Whose         
D. Sams’     
D. mother      