2009年12月12日试运行的武广客运专线是世界上第一条一次性建成1000公里的高速铁路,客运专线全长1068公里,设计时速350公里,穿越湖北、湖南、广东三省。2009年12月12日上午9时25分,记者搭乘从武汉出发的武广客运专线列车,在当天中午12时43分即抵达位于花都的广州北站,全程用时约_______ h,平均速度约为_________ Km/h。
2009年12月12日试运行的武广客运专线是世界上第一条一次性建成1000公里的高速铁路,客运专线全长1068公里,设计时速350公里,穿越湖北、湖南、广东三省。2009年12月12日上午9时25分,记者搭乘从武汉出发的武广客运专线列车,在当天中午12时43分即抵达位于花都的广州北站,全程用时约_______ h,平均速度约为_________ Km/h。
Man has a big brain. He can think, learn and speak. Scientists thought that men are different from animals because they can think and learn. They know now that dogs, cats and birds can learn too. They are beginning to understand that. They make noises when they are afraid, or angry or unhappy. Apes(猿) can understand some things more quickly than human, one or two of them have learnt a few words. But they can not join words to make sentences. They can not think like us because they have no language. Language is a wonderful thing. Man has been able to build a modern world because he has language. Every child can speak his own language very well when he is four or five, —but no animal learns to speak. How do children learn it ? Scientists do not really know. What happens inside our body when we speak? They do not know. They only know that man can speak because he has a brain. 小题1:The best title for this passage is .