问题 单项选择题

柯达与富士的龙虎斗 在当今世界彩色胶片市场上,有美国柯达和日本富士两家公司在争雄。富士公司自1984年取得“第23届奥运会专用胶卷”特权后,目前更以咄咄逼人的态势,硒b与柯达争夺世界上的每一1个顾客。柯达的霸主地位受到了严重的挑战。而在70年代,柯达曾垄断了彩色胶片市场的90%。柯达何以落得今天的境地? 直到80年代中期,日本富士公司的产品大部分在国内市场销营,占日本市场销售量的80%。柯达公司为了使自己的产品打入了本市场,进行了大量的调查研究。柯达很快发现,日本人对商品g遍存在重质不重价的倾向,于是制定了高价策略打响牌子,保护名誉,进而与富士竞争的战略。他们在日本发展了交易合资企业,专门以高出富士1/2的价格推销柯达胶片,又花了7000多万美元在日本组建了照片精加工试验室和开发研究所,推出胶片彩色结“构及包装更富有日本特色的最新产品,全面地调整销售服务和强化售后服务。经过5年的努力和竞争,柯达终于进入日本市场,这也埋下了日后富士复仇的种子。 1984年洛杉矾奥运会前夕,柯达公司的营业部主任、广告部主任等高级职员曾十分自信地认为,依仗柯达的信誉,奥运会要选择指定胶卷,非它莫属。因而面对体育场外各厂商的激烈夺标战无动于衷,甚至认为花400万美元在奥运会上做广告有点冤枉。所以当奥委会派人来联系时,柯达公司的官员们讨价还价、盛气凌人,还要求组委会降低赞助费。这样,一晃半年就过去了。 富士公司乘虚而入,出价700万美元,争取到了奥运会指定彩色胶片的专用权。此后,富士公司倾尽全力展开了强大的奥运攻势,奥运会赛场周围富士的标志铺天盖地,胶卷的包装纸换上了印有“奥运专用”字样的新包装,各比赛场馆遍设服务中心,一天可冲洗13000胶卷的设备和人力已准备就绪,准备在奥运会期间冲洗胶卷20万个。承办放大剪辑业务的网点到处可见,富士摄影展也连续举行。富士公司的负责人公开表示,要让参加奥运会的各国运动员、观众能在奥运会上时时处处看到富士标志。 富士公司强大的宣传攻势,给柯达带来了巨大的冲击,销售量锐减,利润大幅度下降,也引起了整个柯达公司的震惊,于是立即召开董事会研究对策。会上,一些董事指责营业部主任和广告部主任缺乏战略眼光,贻误战机,致使柯达陷入被动广告部主任为此而被撤职。董事会还采取紧急措施,拨款1000万美元大做广告,并在美国各地公路边树起了巨幅广告牌,以图亡羊补牢,挽回损失。该公司还聘请世界著名运动员大做广告,并主动资助美国奥委会和运动员,赠给300名美国运动员每人一架特别“柯达”照相机。这些举措,对挽回柯达经济和名誉上的损失,起到了一定的补救作用。但毕竞良机已失,为时已晚。自此,世界胶卷市场上柯达独步江湖的昔日风采已不可能重现,世界胶卷市场开始了柯达、富士两雄争霸的新时代。









Paul was dealing with a crisis. The new girl Linda in class really liked him a lot. Paul was not happy about it.

Paul's good friend, Sam, tried to comfort him.  "What's the big deal? I think Linda is kind of cute and nice enough."

Paul glared at Sam. "Then why don't you ask her to be your girlfriend? There she is, sitting all by herself at the other end of the cafeteria. Go there and ask her to be your honey!"

"She's crazy about you, not me," Sam replied.

"Well, I don't want any girlfriend, especially not a girl like her! "Paul growled.

Sam wouldn't give up.  "The only thing pesky about her is that she keeps writing you those notes ."

"I don't like notes at all!" Paul interrupted. He took another sip of milk.

"Did you notice those strange brown eyes? Why aren't they normal red or pink?"

Sam took another look at Linda. "I think her face is a lovely shade of green. And her dark green curly hair is quite pretty. Besides, she's very gentle and that's what really matters."

Paul stuck out his tongue. "I think I'm going to be sick!  I'd better save my dessert for later." He crammed a small bag of Maggot Munchies into his even smaller shirt pocket.  "The fact is, I have a problem. That girl is getting on my nerves!  "

Sam followed Paul’s example and decided to save his dessert for later. However, he carefully placed the bag into his lunch box.  "Do you have any ideas about how to solve your problem?" Tremor asked.

"I'm going to be mean and rude to her," Paul announced.  "I'll call her names and make ugly faces at her."

"That's how you treat everyone," Sam reminded his friend.

Paul nodded. "It's time that Linda got to know the real Paul !"

小题1: What does the underlined part "a crisis" in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A.how to get away from Linda

B.how to win Linda over

C.how to get Sam's help

D.how to save money小题2:How did Linda feel about Paul ?

A.She didn't like him because he was rude.

B.She was annoyed by his strange appearance.

C.She didn't have any strong feelings about him.

D.She fell in love with him.小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Paul pretended to be rude in order to make Linda stop liking him.

B.Sam thought that looks were more important than personality.

C.Sam thought that Linda was cute.

D.Paul offered his dessert to Linda to make her sick.小题4: Sam appreciate Linda in the following aspects EXCEPT         

A.her eyes

B.her hair

C.her face

D.her character小题5:What is implied from this passage?

A.Linda will be Sam's girlfriend.

B.Paul has fallen in love with another girl.

C.Paul and Linda are classmates.

D.Paul and Linda are colleges students.

问答题 简答题