问题 单项选择题








单项选择题 A型题

Kerry and Alice were both artists in Britain.They taught drawing and painting at Cambridge University.Although they were friends,each thought oneself to be the better painter.

One day,Kerry promised marriage to Alice.Surprised and pleased by the offer,the girl was not sure whether she would spend her future as a wife or a painter.After a moment she replied as follows,“Each of us must paint a picture.If yours is superior to mine.you can make me your wife.If not,please drop the question.”Then it was decided to give it the following day.

The next morning,Alice hung her picture on the gate.It showed a bunch of flowers and won high praise(赞扬)from everyone who passed by.In fact,a crowd collected in front of her masterpiece and fixed their eyes on it.

Several hours passed.Then Kerry was seen coming along to the gate with what appeared to be a beautiful leather suitcase in his hand.When he finally stopped before Alice, the girl artist blushed like a rose and agreed to marry him without any hesitation(犹豫).Why?

Answer the questions:

小题1:What are Kerry and Alice?


小题2:What’s the meaning of the underlined part“superior to”?


小题3:Did Kerry agree to Alice’s suggestion?


小题4:Why did Alice’s picture win high praise?


小题5:What do you think the“leather suitcase’’ really was?
