问题 实验题

(1)如图是利用重物自由下落验证机械能守恒定律的实验装置.质量m=1.00kg的重物自由下落,打点计时器在纸带上打出一系列点.如图所示为选取的一条符合实验要求的纸带,O 为第一个点,A、B、C 为从合适位置开始选取的三个连续点(其他点未画出).已知打点计时器每隔 0.02s打一次点,当地的重力加速度g=9.80m/s2

①某位同学做“验证机械能守恒定律”的实验,下列操作步骤中错误的是(   )





②选取O 点到B点来验证机械能守恒定律,则重物的重力势能减少量为=________ J;动能的增加量为=_______ J.(结果取三位有效数字) 实验的结论是                                      

(2)(10分)某小灯泡上标有“6V 3W”字样,现要测量其正常发光时的实际电阻,实验室提供下列器材:





E、滑动变阻器 (20Ω,2A)


①实验中电压表量程应选择_______(填“A”或“B”),电流表量程应选择_______(填“C”或“D”) ;





(1) ①  C  ② ,,在误差允许的范围内机械能守恒。

(2)① B  C ,②实物图连接入下图

③最右 , ④ 12.5Ω;


(2)①灯泡的额定电压时6V,故选择量程为15V的电压表B,量程为3V的电压表在灯泡正常工作时会超过最大量程;由,故选择量程为0.6的电流表C,3A的电流表会使读数很小,误差大。 ②电路图使用的是外接法+限流式电路测电阻,连接实物如上图所示。③为了使滑动变阻器对电路起保护作用,滑动变阻器要分担更多的电压,滑动变阻器使用限流式接法是左边部分串联在电路中,在闭合开关前,应将滑片移到能使接入电路的阻值最大处,即最右端。④根据图12乙读出电流,故


Female Chinese space pioneers?

CHINA plans to recruit(招募) women astronauts thanks to the lobbying(游说) of the leading women’s organization. Gu Xiulian, president of the All-China Women’s Federation(ACWF) (全国妇联), said on Saturday that she put forward a proposal that women be trained for space missions after the manned space flight last October. And it was accepted by the central authorities, local media reported. But the plan to recruit female astronauts has yet to be worked out, according to sources close to the astronaut-training programme.

Beijing needs mental health care

MORE than 1,000 people committed suicide(自杀) in Beijing last year, and experts have been encouraging the capital to set up a mental health care system as soon as possible, local media reported last week. About 20 percent of the people of Beijing live in unhealthy conditions, with 3 percent of these suffering from affective disorder and 5 percent reporting symptoms of depression, according to the Beijing Mental Health Service Center.

No need to fear your licence plate

CAR licence plates in Shenzhen and Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, will not have the number “four” from this month on ---a move that has led to heated discussion among officials, schools and residents. The word for “four” sounds like “death” in Cantonese. The number has been cleared away from the computer data banks that generate the six-digit licence numbers for local cars. Some say that, for the first time, a public agency service has considered local customs and bans. Others worry it will encourage superstitious(迷信的) beliefs.

83.We can infer from the news that ____.

A.there are several female astronauts in China now

B.people in Guangdong province hate number “four”

C.the mental disorder concerns everybody all over the country

D.the city government of Beijing has promised to set up a mental health care system

84.The underlined sentence in the third news means that __    __.

A.there is no number “four” in the computers in Shenzhen

B.computer is used to print six-digit car licence numbers

C.local cars will be protected to use six-digit car licence numbers

D.number “four” will no longer appear in the six-digit car licence numbers

85.What is the message of the first news?

A.China only needs male astronauts.

B.Gu Xiulian wants to be the first space woman.

C.Society doesn’t discriminate(歧视) against women in China.

D.The  proposal of female astronaut training hasn’t been approved.

86.Which word has the same meaning as the underlined word “symptoms”?

A.symbol        B.signs           C.sorts      D.shocks
