问题 选择题

从文明史角度看,鸦片战争是西方先进工业文明对中国落后农业文明的一次冲击。下列能够佐证这一观点的是①中国开始丧失独立自主地位,逐渐沦为殖民地社会②中国封建经济日益解体,新的经济因素产生并发展③中西合璧、土洋并存是近代中国物质生活和社会习俗变迁的主要特征 ④西学传入,先进中国人学习西方逐步深入,旧制度、旧观念受冲击[ ]









    The trouble with Christmas is that it comes just before the end of the year. Early in January, lots of bills

arrive. There I am, surrounded by presents, having spent all last year's salary and most of this year's, too,

when little brown envelopes start dropping through the letter box. The gas, the electricity, the telephone-lots

of pieces of paper, all asking for money.

    I suppose the people who send these bills didn't want to spoil my Christmas, so they didn't send the bills

to me before 25th December. It's really very kind of them, but I wish they'd send a letter to my bank manager

explaining what is going to happen immediately after the holiday. Then he would be ready for me when I go

to see him, and it would save me a difficult fifteen minutes while I explain why I need to borrow £ 200 and

he tells me why I can't have it.

    Next year it's all going to be different. In my house, we are going to have Christmas in July, during our

summer holiday. So next December I'll have enough money in the bank to pay all the bills. It's a wonderful

idea but the only problem is that my wife and children don't seem to like it very much..

1. The people the writer should pay ______. [ ]

A. are kind to him

B. want to spoil his Christmas

C. want to say 'Merry Christmas' to him

D. cost him more money than he can pay by sending him a lot of bills

2. At the end of the year, the writer is usually ______. [ ]

A. worried because of so many bills

B. having a sunny day

C. worried about how to spend his holiday

D. visiting his friends abroad

3. The passage tells that ______. [ ]

A. trouble sometimes comes with happiness

B. money is everything

C. no money means no happy

D. money can buy happiness
