问题 阅读理解与欣赏




居里夫人的美名从她发现镭的那一刻起就流传于世,迄今已经百年。这是她用全部的青春、信念和生命换来的荣誉。她一生共得了10项奖金、16中奖章、107个名誉头衔,特别是两次诺贝尔奖。她本来可以躺在任何一项大奖或任何一个荣誉里尽情地享受。但她将奖金捐赠给科研事业和战争中的法国,而将那些奖章送给6岁的小女孩当玩具。上帝给她的美形都不为所累,尘世给的美誉她又怎能背负在身呢?凭谁论短长,漫将浮名换了精修细研。她一如既往,埋头工作到67岁离开人世,离开了她心爱的实验室。直到她死后40年,她用过的笔记本里,还有射线在不停地释放。爱因斯坦说:“在所有的世界著名人物中,玛丽·居里是唯一没有被盛名宠坏的人。”她用事求世,超形脱俗,知道自己的目标,更知道自己的价值。在一般人要做到这两个自知,排除干扰并终生如一,是很难很难的,但居里夫人做到了。她让我们明白,人有多重价值,是需要多层开发的。有的人止于形,以售其貌;有的人止于勇,而呈其力;有的人止于心,只用其技;有的人达于理,而用其智。诸葛亮戎马一生,气吞曹吴,却不披一甲,不佩一刃;毛 * * 指挥军民万众,在战火中打出一个新中国, 却不背枪支,不受军衔。大音希声,大道无形,大智之人,不耽于形, 不逐于力,不持于技。他们淡淡地生活,静静地思考,执着地进取,直进到智慧高地,自由地驾驭规律,而永葆一种理性的美丽。


小题2:作者在第二段中列举了四项“有的人”,诸葛亮与毛 * * 属于哪一种?作者举两人的例子的目的是什么?








     McDonnell, who has made oil drilling off Virginia's coast, one of his administration's top tasks,

flew to Houston on Monday to advertise the benefits of offshore drilling at a national conference.

He told reporters before he left that he does not want to postpone drilling but to learn from the

accident off Louisiana's coast.

     "What we do as Americans is that we find out what went wrong and how can we do things

better, " Mc Donnell said."I think that's the spirit of American people."

     President Obama announced in March that Virginia will become one of the first East Coast

states to drill offshore for oil and natural gas.Companies could conduct exploratory drilling in

Virginia's waters 50 miles off the coast late next year or early in 2012.

     In Virginia Beach, the state's largest city and one that relies heavily on tourism, Mayor Will

Sessoms said he would be worried if the timetable was not changed.Sessoms supported drilling

and helped the city pass a resolution (决议) in favor of it, in part to help the tourism industry by

keeping the cost of gas down.But, he said, the Louisiana accident was a wakeup call.

     "It's alarming to me, " Sessoms said."It gives me great concern."

     Obama swore Friday that no expansion of offshore oil drilling would take place until investigations

into the Louisiana accident were complete.

     Virginia's officials, who support drilling, said they agree that drilling should be delayed.Sen.Mark

Warner said it was "appropriate" for Obama to delay offshore projects.McDonnell said he wants to

see a full investigation into the Louisiana accident, but he still thinks that drilling could begin off

Virginia's coast as soon as next year or early 2012.

     McDonnell has also said that drilling off Virginia's coast would create thousands of jobs, as well

as lessen US dependence on foreign oil.

     A recent explosion and fire on an exploratory well in the Gulf (海湾) of Mexico left 11 workers

missing and dead.Crude oil (原油) has been leaking into the gulf since, inching closer to the coasts

of Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi.

     The accident confirmed the worst fears of environmental groups and people already worried that

possible spills (溢出) could harm plants, animals, and tourism.

1. What was McDonnell's opinion about drilling off Virginia's coast?

A. It should be stopped as it may cause damage to the environment.

B. It should be delayed due to the gulf oil accident.

C. It has a lot of benefits, and thus shouldn't be delayed.

D. It could make the US dependent on foreign oil.

2. Why did Will Sessoms support drilling off Virginia's coast?

A. It could create thousands of jobs.

B. It could help recover the economy.

C. It met the spirit of American people.

D. It partly helped the tourism industry.

3. What do we know about the accident?

A. The explosion in the Gulf of Mexico killed 11 workers.

B. The leaked crude oil may affect the coasts of 3 states.

C. The investigation into the accident has been completed.

D. Officials who support drilling off Virginia's coast are not in favor of the investigation.

4. What is the main idea of the report?

A. Officials reconsider support for drilling after the gulf oil accident.

B. It is dangerous to drill oil off the coasts.

C. People should learn from oil accidents to reduce damage to our environment.

D. Investigations should be carried out immediately after oil accidents.
