问题 实验题



①平衡小车所受的阻力:撤去砂和砂桶,调整木板右端的高度,用手轻拨小车,直到打点计时器打出一系列     的点.





⑥以砝码的质量m为横坐标,为纵坐标,在坐标纸上做出-m关系图线.若加速度与小车和砝码的总质量成反比,则与m应成     关系(填“线性”或“非线性”).


①本实验中,为了保证在改变小车中砝码的质量时,小车所受的拉力近似不变,悬挂砂和砂桶的总质量应满足的条件是     .

②如图2所示是该同学在某次实验中利用打点计时器打出的一条纸带,A、B、C、D是该同学在纸带上选取的连续四个计数点.该同学用刻度尺测出AC间的距离为S,测出BD间的距离为S.a可用S、S和Δt(打点的时间间隔)表示为a=     .


③图3为所得实验图线的示意图.设图中直线的斜率为k,在纵轴上的截距为b,若牛顿定律成立,则小车受到的拉力为     ,小车的质量为     .


(1) ①等间距 ⑥线性(2)①远小于小车和砝码的总质量;②

题目分析:(1)①平衡小车所受的阻力:撤去砂和砂桶,调整木板右端的高度,用手轻拨小车,直到打点计时器打出一系列等间距的点;⑥以砝码的质量m为横坐标,为纵坐标,在坐标纸上做出-m关系图线.若加速度与小车和砝码的总质量成反比,则与m应成  线性关系;(2)①本实验中,为了保证在改变小车中砝码的质量时,小车所受的拉力近似不变,悬挂砂和砂桶的总质量应满足的条件是远小于小车和砝码的总质量;②根据,则,所以③根据牛顿定律,变形可得:,所以,解得:



     Sun Miao is eight years old. He often plays badminton (羽毛球) after his father comes back from

the factory, He often plays table tennis after his mother comes back from her hospital. He can play them

very well.

    One afternoon, when he comes out of  the classroom, he sees his father waiting for (等) him at the

school gate. He is very glad and runs to his father. "Dad, please don't wait for me after school. I can go

home by myself , " says Sun Miao.

    "Let's go," says the father. "I'll do the cooking and you can do your homework at home. Your mother

 is still at work. "

     When they are on their way home,Sun Miao sees some boys skating in the park.

      "Can I go and skate, Dad?" asks Sun Miao.

      "I'm sorry, my boy. You can't go there. You must go home and do your homework , " answers

the father. "And I think I can give you some ice cream.

1. There are ________ people in Sun Miao's family.     

A. two     

B. three     

C. tour      

D. five   

2.  Sun Miao's father is a ________.      

A. doctor     

B. student     

C. teacher

D. factory worker

3. Sun  Miao plays ________ after his father comes back from work.     

A. table tennis     

B. volleyball     

C. badminton     

D. football

4.Who often takes Sun Miao home after school?      

A. His father.     

B. His mother.     

C. His classmate. 

D. His good friend.

5. Sun Miao's father asks him to go home to ________.

A. do the cooking

B. do his homework

C. help him cook

D. buy ice cream
