问题 单项选择题

李某是某大型工厂的厂长,为了降低工厂在市场竞争中的风险,甲将其工厂全部财产投保,与甲保险公司签订了保险合同,由于投保数额巨大,甲保险公司遂将该保险标的进行了再保险,与乙保险公司签订了再保险合同,如果保险事故发生,李某可以向 ( )主张支付保险金。







解析: 再保险人和投保人是两种合同关系中的不同主体,两者没有直接的合同关系,彼此没有权利和义务关系,因此,再保险接受人不具有向原保险的投保人要求支付保险费的请求权。当保险事故发生时原保险的被保险人或者受益人只能向原保险的保险人请求赔偿或者给付保险金,而无权向再保险接受人提出赔偿或者付保险金的请求。

                                                                   The Price of a Dream 
      I grew up poor-living with my wonderful mother. We had little money, but plenty of love and attention.
I was   1   and energetic. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, he could still   2   to have a
     My dream was   3   . By the time I was sixteen, I had started playing baseball. I could throw a
ninety-mile-per-hour fastball and   4   anything that moved on the football field. I was also   5   : My high
school coach was John, who not only believed in me, but also taught me   6   to believe in myself. He   7   me
the difference between having a dream and remaining true to that dream. One particular   8   with Coach John
changed my life forever.
     A friend recommended me for a summer job. This meant a chance for money in my pocket-money for a
new bike, new clothes and the   9   of savings for a house for my mother. Then I realized I would have to  10  
up summer baseball to handle the work schedule, and that meant I would have to tell John I wouldn't be playing.
     When I told John, he was as  11  as I expected him to be."You have your whole life to work," He said.
"Your  12   days are limited. You can't afford to waste them." I stood before him with my head  13  , trying to
think of the   14   to explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket
was worth facing his  15  in me.
      "How much are you going to make at this job?" He asked."3.5 dollars an hour," I replied.
     "Well," he asked,"is $3.5 an hour the price of a dream?"
     That simple question made  16  for me the difference between   17   something right now and having a
   18  . I devoted myself to sports that summer and   19   the year I was chosen by the Pittsburgh Pirates to
play baseball, and was   20   a $20,000 contract(合同). My baseball scholarship got me through university and
in 1984 I signed with Denver Broncos for$1.7 million and bought my mother the house of her dreams.
( )1. A. happy  
( )2. A. live    
( )3. A. athletics
( )4. A. throw  
( )5. A. right   
( )6. A. how    
( )7. A. gave   
( )8. A. accident
( )9. A. aim   
( )10. A. keep  
( )11. A. mad   
( )12. A. living 
( )13. A. moving 
( )14. A. answers 
( )15. A. sadness 
( )16. A. direct
( )17. A. wanting
( )18. A. wish  
( )19. A. by  
( )20. A. paid  
B. polite   
B. afford   
B. music   
B. play    
B. popular   
B. why    
B. taught    
B. matter  
B. idea     
B. end  
B. puzzled   
B. playing  
B. nodding  
B. excuses 
B. regret  
B. clear  
B. changing 
B. dream  
B. for     
B. got     
C. shy          
C. make          
C. business       
C. pass            
C. lucky        
C. when            
C. brought          
C. problem       
C. start           
C. give          
C. frightened      
C. working      
C. shaking      
C. words        
C. hopelessness   
C. straight      
C. dreaming       
C. score     
C. over           
C. offered      

D. honest                   
D. need                         
D. money               
D. hit                       
D. wrong                     
D. whether                  
D. asked                      
D. experience                
D. purpose              
D. pick                     
D. shameful                 
D. learning                 
D. hanging                 
D. ways                      
D. disappointment            
D. bare                     
D. living                   
D. desire                   
D. within                  
D. presented               

问答题 案例分析题