问题 单项选择题








解析: 网络服务器是微机局域网的核心部件;网络服务器在运行网络操作系统中,最大限度响应用户的要求并及时响应、处理;网络服务器主要管理局域网的共享资源,为工作站提供各种服务,网络服务器的效率直接影响整个网络的效率。


案情:为了保障粮油供应和市场粮油价格的基本稳定,云南省工商行政管理局根据国务院办公厅的通知精神,于2001年8月1日发布了《关于加强粮油市场管理的通告》,该省某市甲区人民政府于2001年10月15日作出《关于进一步加强粮油收购及市场管理工作的通知》,规定在以区为单位完成粮油收购任务之前,除国有粮食部门外,其他任何单位和个人不得收购、贩运粮油。李某从事个体粮油经营,于2001年10月至11月间,收购兰某等五人油菜籽,并于同年10月间从甲区东和粮站收购油菜籽。甲区工商局得知此情况后,于2001年11月7日责令李某停止收购和加工油菜籽,11月8日会同有关人员到李某油莱加工处查验,查获油菜籽、食用油和麻渣。甲区工商局于11月10日查封了李某收购并加工的食用油、麻渣、油菜籽,并于11月21日作出工商经处字[2001]第7号处罚决定,依据前述云南省工商行政管理局的《通告》第 6条及甲区政府的《通知》第3条第4项、第7项的规定,决定:(一)将查扣的食用油、麻渣、油菜籽予以没收; (二)按其收购加工的油菜籽总金额的20%予以罚款,计6315.81元;(三)罚款必须于2001年11月30日前缴付至甲区工商银行。




Family Values

To understand a nation, you should first get to know its minimum unit-family.  小题1:

In the US, upon reaching an appropriate age (usually between 18 and 21 years) , children are encouraged, but not forced, to "leave the nest" and begin an independent life.  小题2: Parents do not arrange marriages for their children, nor do children usually ask permission of their parents to get married. Youn g adults meet their future spouses  (配偶)  through other friends,  at jobs, and in organizations and religious institutions. Although children choose their own spouses,

they still hope their parents will approve of their choices.

Parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves in many families. A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to choose another job.   小题3:   A son may deliberately decide not to go into his father's business because of a fear that he will lose his independence in his father's workplace. This independence from parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other. Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the American family.

  小题4: It is not like we Chinese. Parents are rulers and masters. We Chinese love our parents with fear and total respect. In America, children always have their own opinions and even can talk about some sensitive problems with their parents, like family financial situation, the relationship between mother and father, and even sex.

  小题5:  Therefore, it is contrary that, on one hand, Americans admire independence and equality that they don't want to make sacrifice to make up a family, but on the other hand, Americans think highly of family in their value system.

A.In the American family, children and parents are equal.

B.It can reflect the traditional values and customs of a nation.

C.When it comes to big problems, children do not have to always follow their parents' ways.

D.After children leave home, they often find social relationship and financial support outside the family.E. Although Americans pay much attention to independence and equality, they don't believe in making sacrifice.

F. Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in order to declare their independence.

G. Many of them are expected to leave what could be life's most important decision-marriage-almost entirely up to luck.