Teenagers in England do many of the same thi

ngs as children in America do . They enjoy sending messages on their mobile phones and they also like swimming , listening to the latest music , watching TV and surfing the Internet .
How do teenagers in England spend their free time and holidays ? Let’s follow Sally , a British teenager , and spend five days with her during her school holiday .
Day One
| After breakfast , Sally’s mother went out and left her alone at home . She checked her mobile phone during lunch—one of her friends sent her a message early in the morning . Dinner was ready at 6:30 p.m. After that , she finished her English homework . Then she surfed the Internet .
Day Two
| Sally and her mother paid a visit to their friend s and went swimming together . Later , they wnet shopping for clothes and books , and had dinner in a restaurant .
Day Three
| She went to the supermarket with her mother to buy fish and chips for lunch as well as some pens . After she got back home , she spent the next few hours surfing the Internet and watching TV .
Day Four
| She surfed the Internet . Her mother took her out for lunch before going to work . She then read storybooks after lunch .
Day Five
| She woke up at 2 p. m. , and so did her mother . They went to a park . Her mother met some friends there . When they got home , it was already time for dinner . Aterwards , she did her homework until 10 p. m.
1. When did Sally do her homework ?
A. In the morning . B. In the afternoon . C. At lunch time . D. In the evening .
2. Which of the foll

owing things did Sally do on Day Four ?
A. She went swimming . B. She went out for breakfast .
C. She read books . D. She went shopping .
3. How many times did Sally and her mother meet their friends during the five days ?
A. Once . B. Twice . C. Three times . D. Four times .
4. According to the passage , it can be inferred that__________.
A. a park is the best place to meet a friend
B. parents shouln’t leave teenagers alone at home
C. teenagers don’t usually do their homework during their school holidays
D. surfing the Internet has become an important part of teenagers’ lives