Driving Offence Points System What is Driving Offence Points System? After the introduction of this system, certain traffic offences will make the driver lose points besides other punishment (惩罚). A driver makes any of these offences, the points will be recorded.When the driver gets a certain number of points, he will be forbidden (禁止) to drive for a certain amount of time. This is a system designed to make road much safer. It can improve standards (水平) of driving and reduce accidents. Which traffic offences will result in Driving Offence Points? Of course, not all traffic offences are covered by this system. Only those that have direct effect on road safety are included.There are fourteen items in all.
If you have got 10 points or above, but still less than 15 points, you will receive a warning (警告) letter from the Transport Department. This letter will tell your record of Driving Offence Points and remind you of the result of getting more points. It is hoped that this warning will change your driving behavior for the better. What will happen if you have got 15 points? If you have got 15 points or more within two years, the first time you are found guilty (犯错的) and you will not be able to drive for three months, but if you are caught a second time you will not be able to drive for six months. 小题1:The underlined word “Offence” (paragraph 1) refers to ______.
阅读是学生学习生活的一部分。为了解中学生阅读的实际情况,某学校开展了以“读书与交流” 为主题的一系列语文综合实践活动。下面是一部分活动情况,请根据要求完成以下活动任务。 (1)为了解中学生课外阅读情况,活动小组就此对350名学生进行了问卷调查,调查结果如下。
“书籍是全世界的营养品。生活里没有书籍,就好像大地没有阳光;智慧里没有书籍,就好像鸟儿没有翅膀。” 这段话激发了同学们的热情,大家都用诗意的语言表达了对读书的感受。现在请你以“阅读”为对 象,就莎士比亚的这一段话进行仿写。 _________________________________________________________ (3)为了学生阅读的方便,学校提议在教室里增设“图书角”。面对这一提议,学生反应不一,展开了辩论。反方认为没有必要。理由是现在学生学习任务重,根本没有时间阅读;教室本身就比较狭小,设置“图书角”影响了活动的空间;另外,图书也容易遗失和损坏。假如你是正方,请你针对反方的观点和理由进行反驳。 正方:_______________________________________________ |