问题 单项选择题

 经过半年多星际旅行,美国“勇气”号火星车于太平洋时间3日20时35分左右,在火星表面成功着陆,并于20时52分向地球发回第一个信息。美国宇航局宣布这一登陆计划取得成功。 宇航局华裔科学家沈毓贤说,“勇气”号登陆过程中全球共有3个联络站,分别位于西班牙马德里、澳大利亚堪培拉和美国的加利福尼亚,它们能接收全空域的通信信号,“勇气”号外部为登陆舱,只有火星车和登陆舱都发回信号,才能证实整个登陆计划成功。在帕萨迪纳的宇航局喷气推进实验室,监测登陆过程的数百名工作人员收到信息后一片欢腾,人们期待着“勇气”号在火星上发现水和生命存在的迹象。火星着陆系统总工程师、华裔科学家李炜钧说,“勇气”号登陆完全依靠自主控制,地面控制中心在紧张和悬念中希望它“交好运”。 “勇气”号登陆时像皮球一样在火星表面进行长达数分钟的弹跳、翻滚,直至最后落稳。它先是在耐高温表层的保护下,以大约1.9万公里的时速冲入130公里厚的火星大气层。在空气阻力作用下,它在距火星表面8公里左右时降至1600公里,此时直径10多米的降落伞自动打开。当火星车连同降落伞一起接近火星地面,它的外层气囊弹出,同时火箭制动发动机向地面喷出火焰,增加着陆缓冲力。在距地面12米时,降落伞绳索自动断开,被气囊包裹得严严实实的“勇气”号,像皮球一样落在火星表面翻滚弹跳,最初弹起时有5层楼那么高,反复弹跳数十次后在距最初着陆点大约1公里的地方落稳。此时气囊内的气体自动放出,火星车看上去像被一层帆布包着。 “勇气”号着陆点选在火星上地势平缓、面积较大的“古谢夫环形山”区域,以确保成功。它着陆后将先进行一星期的设备自检,然后地面人员将操纵它在火星表面考察。收到它拍摄的图像后,如果科学家认为某块岩石有研究价值,会命令它开过去进行进一步探测。 “勇气”号的“孪生兄弟”——“机遇”号也计划于1月24日在火星着陆,这一对探测器共耗资8.2亿美元,分别在去年6月和7月飞向太空,是去年2月“哥伦比亚”号航天飞机失事后美国宇航局最大的一项太空计划。如果这一使命取得成功,将鼓舞宇航局的士气,并加速人类登陆火星的进程。











Symbol of friendship

Friendship is a wonderful thing to have no matter how old you are. However, it is important for teens and young adults to provide conversation, support and so much more as friends.    小题1:__  Actually, there are a few things that symbolize a friendly relationship.


One of the symbols of a wonderful relationship between friends is easy conversation. When you can talk about almost anything, you are sure to be true friends. When the conversation flows easily from one topic to another, this can be a symbol of friendship as well.

Able to have fun 

 小题3:  No matter what you are doing, you can have a fun experience so long as you are with your friend. This is one of the best parts of friendship.

Support all the time

If your friends know they can call you anytime and you will be there for them, then this symbolizes friendship.

Attentive (专心的) listening by both individuals

If you find that you listen closely to what your friend says and they do the same for you, this is another symbol of friendship.   小题4: 

Share laughter and tears

Another symbol of friendship is the ability to share both laughter and tears. A friend is someone with whom you can laugh and cry over anything.   小题5: 

A.You feel comfortable with this person to share your special feelings.

B.Easy conversation

C.A true friend is someone you can have a great time with.

D.Teenagers always have difficulty in making friends.E. Get together

F. True friends listen closely to each other and understand what the other person is saying.

G. If you are trying to make friends, you may be wondering what symbolizes friendship.
