A wise man was visiting the Ganges, a river which flows through northern India to take a bath. He found a group of family members on the 26 , shouting angrily at each other. He___27 his disciples(弟子), smiled and asked, “Why do people shout in 28 at each other ?” The disciples 29 for a while and one of them said, “ Because we 30__ our calm平静 we shout.” “But, why should you shout 31 the other person is just next to you ? You can as well tell him what you have to say in a(n) 32 manner,” asked the wise man. Some disciples gave some other answers, but none 33 the other disciples. Finally the wise man explained, “When two people are angry at each other, there is a distance between their ___34 . To cover that distance they must shout to be able to 35 each other. The angrier they are, the louder they will have to shout to __36 that great distance. What 37_ when two people fall in love ? They don’t shout at each other but talk softly, because their hearts are very 38 . The distance between them is either nonexistent不存在的or very small.” The wise man 39 , “When they love each other even more, they do not _40 loudly , but only whisper私语and they get even closer to each other. Finally they 41 need not whisper. They only look at each other and that’s 42 . That’s how close people are when they love each other.” He looked at his disciples and said, “So, when you 43 , do not let your hearts get distant. Do not say words that distance疏远each other more. 44 there will come a day when the distance is so great that you will not 45 the path to return. You may end up becoming enemies, for instance.”
小题1:名词辨析。A 屋顶;B 站台;C 河岸,银行;D 街道。文章第一句话告诉我们智者在河里洗澡,所以看到的应该是岸上的人,所以正确答案为C。
小题2:动词短语辨析。A 提及,涉及;B 照料; C 向某人喊;D 转向。从下文智者的动作:smiled和 asked 可知,他应该是转向弟子们说话。所以D选项正确。
小题3:名词辨析。A 生气;B 兴奋;C 失望; D 惊讶。从前句中的 angrily 可知,他们应该是愤怒地朝彼此大嚷大叫。A选项正确。
小题4:动词辨析。A 想,认为;B 放松;C 听;D 等待。智者问了他们一个问题,从情理推断可知弟子们应该是想了一会,然后才回答,所以A选项正确。
小题5:动词辨析。A 控制,B打扰,扰乱;C 失去,输;D 欣赏,喜欢。按照常理,人们在头脑发热不冷静的情况下才会争吵,所以弟子认为是人们失去冷静而争吵。所以C 选项正确。
小题6:连词辨析。A 只要;B 万一; C 当。。时候;D 除非。从语境判断是指说话的场景,当对方离我们很近的时候,所以正确选项为C。
小题7:形容词辨析。A和气的,柔软的;B 印象深刻的;C 虚弱的,软弱的D负责任的;从上文angry ,in anger 等词判断,此处应该是意义相对的词,所以选A。
小题8:动词辨析。A 鼓励; B 使某人满意;C 招待,款待,助兴;D 打扰,麻烦。此处的but 表示前后句意的转折,前句弟子们给出不同的回答,所以后面的转折应该表达哪个回答都不能使彼此满意。故B
小题9:名词辨析。A 方向,操作指南;B 身体,尸体;C 目标;D 心脏。从下文their hearts are …The distance between them is either nonexistent or very small.”判断此处是指人们吵架时心的距离远了,所以正确
小题10:动词辨析。A 伤害,疼;B 进攻,攻击;C 理解;D 听,听说。从前面的动词 shout 判断喊的目的是为了让别人听到,所以D选项正确。
小题11:动词辨析。A 保持;B 测量;C 掩盖,涉及,支付,占地,走过。。路程;D缩短。从词义搭配上只有cover 能和 distance 搭配,意思为“走多远的距离”。此处是指声音要穿过心与心之间的距离,所以C选项正确。
小题12:动词辨析。A 有关系,要紧; B 发生;C 工作;D 成功。上文是说心灵疏远的人们之间会发生争吵,那么当人们相爱时候会有什么发生呢?所以从语境判断,应该选B选项。
小题13:形容词辨析。A 密切的,近的;B巨大的;C 特殊的,特价的;D 敞开的,开放的。The distance between them is either nonexistent or very small.”他们心灵之间的距离要么不存在要么很小,从情理可知心灵间没有距离的人们关系自然也是密切的,故A为正确选项。
小题14:动词辨析。A 怀疑;B 继续;C 回答;D 承诺,答应。上文智者说了一席话,下面还是他说的话,所以应该是他继续说道。正确答案选B。
小题15:动词辨析。A 经过,递给;B 大喊,哭;C 在乎; D 谈话,演讲。从上文可知当人们相爱的时候,他们轻声交谈,那么爱加深了的时候,就不再是谈话而是耳语,故正确答案为D。
小题16:副词辨析。A 有时; B仍然;C 甚至;D 曾经。在此表示情况的进一步深入,从轻声交谈到耳语,到不需要语言的交流,所以C选项正确。他们甚至不用说话。
小题17:不定代词辨析。A 没有什么; B 全部; C 一个;D 某物。从上文可知,他们甚至不用语言的交流,一个眼神就能彼此心意相通,所以彼此的对视就是所做的一切,故B选项正确。
小题18:动词辨析。A. 争吵,争论; B. 道歉;C.批评;D. 解释。从下文的两个否定祈使句“do not let your hearts get distant. Do not say words that distance each other more.”判断,语境应该是在人们关系不好或者是争论的时候,所以A选项正确。
小题19:连接词辨析。A 更为糟糕的是;B 因此;C 否则;D 此外。前面两个否定祈使句告诫我们不要做什么,而且后面句子是指出了一种结果,所以中间用or,表示不听从警告会引发的结果,故C选项正确。
小题20:动词辨析。A 打败,打,心脏跳动;B 跟随;C 走路;D 回去,归还。从上下文可知,人们甚至会因为心灵间产生的距离而成为敌人,所以是再也回不到从前那种亲密状态。所以D选项正确。