问题 单项选择题

某有限责任公司欲公开发行公司债券,以下说法正确的是( )







解析:[考点] 公司发行债券的条件 《证券法》第16条规定:“公开发行公司债券,应当符合下列条件:(一)股份有限公司的净资产不低于人民币三千万元,有限责任公司的净资产不低于人民币六千万元;(二)累计债券余额不超过公司净资产的百分之四十;(三)最近三年平均可分配利润足以支付公司债券一年的利息;(四)筹集的资金投向符合国家产业政策;(五)债券的利率不超过国务院限定的利率水平; (六)国务院规定的其他条件。公开发行公司债券筹集的资金,必须用于核准的用途,不得用于弥补亏损和非生产性支出。” 根据该条规定,有限责任公司公开发行公司债券,净资产不得低于6000万元,所以 A选项不正确;公开发行公司债券,必须是最近3年平均可分配利润足以支付公司债券1年的利息,而不是最近5年,所以C选项不正确;公司发行债券筹集到的资金不能用于弥补亏损,所以D选项不正确。


Do you get enough sleep? With so much homework it's often difficult to get the rest you need. But you need to try, because sleep keeps you healthy and it stops you getting fat.

Recently, a group of US scientists did a study (调查) of kids aged between 8 and 13. The study found that if kids sleep for just one extra (额外的) hour each day, the chance of their getting fat is cut by about 30 percent .

Why? When people don't get enough sleep, they become tired. When they are tired, they don't exercise enough. Also, kids like snacks: If they are awake (醒着的) an extra hour or two each day,they have more time to eat snacks or other unhealthy foods.

So, how much sleep should you get? Scientists suggest 10 to 11 hours a night for kids aged 5 to 12. For older kids, eight to nine hours will do.

小题1:How many reasons are given why people might get fat without enough sleep?




D.None.小题2:If you are under 10, how long do the scientists advice you to sleep?

A.10 to 11 hours.

B.8 to 9 hours.

C.8 to 13 hours.

D.As long as possible.小题3:Where was the study done by the scientists?

A. In China.        B In Britain.        C. In America.        D. In Japan.

小题4:What does" eight to nine hours will do" mean?

A. Eight to nine hours' sleep will be good and enough.      

B Eight to nine hours' sleep will be too long.

C. Eight to nine hours' sleep will help get fat.

D. Eight to nine hours' sleep will help eat snacks and unhealthy foods.

小题5:What does the passage talk about?

A. How to get long sleep. 

B How to keep fat.

C. Enough sleep makes people healthy and slim (苗条)   

D. Long sleep makes people healthy and slim.
