接地电阻的数值大小与( )因素基本无关。
A.(A) 金属接地体本身的电阻
B.(B) 金属接地体的形状和大小
C.(C) 金属接地体埋入的深度
D.(D) 大地电阻率
1 .____ (在朋友和亲戚的督促下),I decided to seize the opportunity to get recognition for
my successful idea.
2. Only after you have had that recognition____ (你才能 说)that you are truly an inventor.
3. The criteria was so strict that it is____ (很难使得新观点被接受)unless they are really novel.
4 .His opinion about this matter____ (确实和别人的不一样).
5 .But he found the problem _____ (很难解决).