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材料一 东汉桓帝、灵帝时的童谣说:“举秀才,不知书;举孝廉,父别居。寒素清白浊如泥,高第(门第)良将怯如鸡”。


材料二 唐朝科举考生主要有两种:一是朝廷所设的国子监、弘文馆、崇文馆及各地州、县学馆的学生,二是不在学馆的普通读书人。另外,现任官员也可参加,一般是品级较低的官员。唐代科举以进士科最受人羡慕,也最难考。由于唐朝宰相多是进士出身,就更提高了其身价。每次总有一两千人报考,而取中者多时不过三、四十人,少时仅几人。人们把考中进士者称为“白衣卿相”、“一品白衫”。官家还要为新取中的进士举行很多庆祝活动。如“探花宴”是在杏园举行的宴会,“题名会”是到慈恩寺大雁塔题名留念,“曲江会”则是大宴于曲江亭子的庆祝活动。不过当一些反对科举制度的守旧官僚主持朝政时,庆祝活动便被减去许多。长达两百年的朋党之争中,科举制度一直遭到这部分人的反对。但科举制度受到了广大中小地主和知识分子的拥护。他们整日埋头苦读,幻想着“朝为田舍郎,暮登天子堂”。唐朝诗人赵嘏说:“太宗皇帝真长策,赚得英雄尽白头。”                                       ——引自《中国通史》


材料三 观察下列图片

图1 宋人殿试图                  图2 明朝学子看榜图


图3 明代科举写满文字的作弊衣衫   图4 清代科举落第者、著名文学家蒲松龄



材料四 我国的科举制度从宋元以后东渐西传,越南、日本、韩国、朝鲜,在其国内都较长时间仿照中国推行过科举制度;法国、美国、英国等国家的选拔官吏的政治制度也都直接受到中国科举制度的作用和重要影响。西方现代的文官选拔制度、我国现代的教育制度和干部选拔制度都是中国科举制度的继承和发展。因此,孙中山先生曾充分肯定中国的科举制度“世界各国中所用以拔取真才之最古最好的制度”(《五权宪法》)。西方人将中国的科举制度称之为“中国第五大发明”。它无疑对中 * * ,对全人类都是一个了不起的贡献。  





Hana al—Shaibani was born on August 27, 1942.She was the only girl in her family, having two older and two younger brothers.Her father, a politician and journalist, loved her and played a large role in shaping the woman she grew up to be.

In 1956, Iraq's Baath party started to grow in popularity.Its slogans declaring liberty, Arab socialism and unity attracted the younger generation, including Hana.Although she was only 14 years old, she turned member of the party-receiving her education with her political activities.During her university years, she worked for the Baath party during the day and attended classes in the evening.

In 1958, following the overthrow of Iraq's monarchy (君主政治) , Hana rose through the ranks and was chosen to lead the party's female members.She was just 16.Two years later, she was selected as one of three representatives of the Iraqi Baath party to attend the Arab National Baath Party Conference, held that year in Beirut.Still just a teenager, she had already achieved more than most women from her region could ever imagine.

As was known to everyone, she was determined and fearless.One of the most memorable family stories tells of the time in 1959 when she left the house to join an organization against the rule of the then prime minister, Abdel Karim Qassim.The atmosphere was tense and a number of the organisers would later be killed.But Hana was determined to attend.

Sensing trouble, she hid the gun and carried beneath her skirt as she walked down the stairs.Her father begged with her not to go.He explained that as a patriot he understood her sense of duty, but added that his love for her went beyond all else.Hana replied; "Papa, you were once a patriotic man and when you were called upon to fight, you did.Please understand, so that I may go with your blessing rather than without." Her father could not stop her.

小题1:.The passage mainly talks about __    __.

A.the life of Hana al-Shaibani       

B.the achievement of Hana al-Shaibani

D.the sufferings Hana al-Shaibani has received

D.Hana al-Shaibani and her father

小题2:.When Hana al-Shaibani joined the Baath party, __    __.

A.she had to abandon her studies

B.she became popular with the people

C.she attracted the younger generation

D.she was then only a student小题3:.From the third paragraph we can know that _     ___.

A.Hana stood up tor Iraq's monarchy totally

B.Hana was strongly against the old government

C.Hana defeated more women older than her

D.Hana was made Chairwoman of the party小题4:.The passage is developed in the order of ___     _.



