问题 单项选择题

改革开放以来,确实出现了富豪阶层。然而,这个阶层与广大的人民群众相比,毕竟是凤毛麟角。中国的奢侈品消费增长点主要还是在“中产阶级”身上,是他们的超前消费,支撑了奢侈品市场。而中国目前的“中产阶级”,无论从收入水平、消费能力还是消费结构上看,都远不能与发达国家的中产阶级相比。 这段话想表达的主要观点是( )。







解析:[命题提示] 本题主要考查考生正确理解文意和概括中心的能力 [解题要点] 理解文段主要意思,分析文段层次,归纳概括文段主旨 [答案与解析] 这段话主要分为三层,第一层为第一、二句,主要意思为中国出现了为数不多的富豪阶层;第二层为第三句,中国的奢侈品增长点主要在“中产阶级”身上;第三层为第四句,中国目前的“中产阶级”的消费水平远不能与发达国家的中产阶级相比。应推断出来,ABC项都为文段中的单层意思,非文段的主旨,文段的中心应为“奢侈品消费”上,“奢侈品的消费”当然是“有钱阶层”,而中国目前的“中产阶级”情况证明“奢侈品时代”远没到来。故选D。




People do not usually like floods but some farmers need floods when their fields are too dry.When there is a flood, the water carries mud and sand from the river bed to the field near the river. When the water goes away, the mud and sand become good soil.

People in many countries tell stories about a very big flood. The flood covered the world. Here is just one of those stories.

A long , long time ago there was a man called Noah(诺亚). He lived with his wife, his three sons and his sons’ wives. One day, Noah heard a voice. It said: “Noah, soon there will be a big flood. You must build a boat. You must put two of every animal and bird in the boat. Many, many people will die in the flood but you and your family will be all right.”

Noah and his family built a boat. They put two of every animal and bird in their boat. They put food in the boat, too. Then it started to rain. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights. The water covered the world. The hills and mountains looked like islands. Noah’s boat stopped on the top of the mountain. At last the rain stopped and the flood went away. There was a beautiful rainbow in the sky. And the animals and birds left Noah’s boat. They ran, jumped, walked and flew away to live on the mountains.

According to the story, answer the following questions:

小题1:Can floods be good for farmers?


小题2:What did Noah build to protect his family from the flood?


小题3:How long did the rain last?

