问题 多项选择题

患者男性,26岁,因车祸致腹部、腰背部创伤,半小时入院。体检:体温36.2℃,脉搏120次/分,呼吸28次/分,血压37.5/22.5mmHg,面色苍白,皮肤湿冷,躁动,腹部膨隆有压痛,肌紧张,移动性浊音阳性,肠鸣音减弱,腹腔穿刺抽出不凝血,骨盆挤压试验阳性,直肠指诊触及骶前区隆起有波动感,X线检查示粉碎性骨盆骨折、腰2椎体骨折。入院后诊断为腹膜后血肿。 长期卧床病人,以下哪些措施能预防便秘:()。








参考答案:B, D

      Mr. Reece worked on a farm. He and his wife grew a lot of things and they had some cows. Every
day they worked hard    1   morning till night. One day, Mr. Reece   2     his wife. "Let's go to
Portsmouth next Sunday . We can    3   a good lunch there and then we can go to the cinema."
      His wife was very happy when she    4   this, because they always ate a lot, and she didn't
   5   cooking three times a day.
      They went to Portsmouth by plane and walked about     6   an hour. Then, when it was twelve
o'clock , they wanted to    7   . They looked around restaurants, they    8   a notice. It reads "Lunch:
12:30 to 2: 30 . 1. 5 pounds."
     "Well, that's   9   . " Mrs. Reece said, "we eat for two hours for 1. 5 pounds here ! This is   10     for
( )1. A. on        
( )2. A. said to  
( )3. A. buy      
( )4. A. listened  
( )5. A. love      
( )6. A. in        
( )7. A. go home  
( )8. A. looked for
( )9. A. great    
( )10. A. the shop
B. in      
B. spoke    
B. have     
B. heard    
B. want    
B. at      
B. take a bus
B. watched  
B. bad      
B. the place
C. from    
C. asked    
C. smell    
C. heard of
C. wish     
C. by      
C. have lunch
C. heard    
C. well    
C. the thing
D. at          
D. told to    
D. cook        
D. hard from  
D. think                         
D. for        
D. have a seat
D. saw        
D. terrible    
D. the news    