问题 多项选择题

患者男性,45岁。因腹痛、寒战高热、黄疸入院。 提示:患者在全麻下行胆总管切开取石、T管引流手术后第8天,患者恢复良好,继续留置T管引流,每天引流胆汁300ml,色黄清亮。体检:体温36.5℃,脉搏82次/分钟,血压116/85mmHg。皮肤、巩膜黄疸已消退,伤口愈合良好,腹部平软,无腹胀、腹痛等。实验室检查:WBC6×10/L,中性粒细胞0.70。目前患者存在的护理诊断问题是()。








参考答案:A, D, E


A Accommodation 住宿

One is never at a loss for a place to (1) in Malaysia.The country’s cities and major towns have a (2)  range of accommodation to suit all tastes and budgets. Most international (3)  hotels cater to total living requirements and as such, one (4) easily find restaurants, entertainment outlets and fitness centres within the (5)  complex.

Several resort hotels even have adjoining golf courses and (6)  parks with special privileges accorded to hotel guests. Family outings (7)  these hotels can be a practical yet fun-filled activity. Guests (8)  on longer stays may appreciate the serviced apartments situated within (9)  major cities.

Malaysia is also an excellent destination for romantic getaways, (10)  for honeymooners seeking an idyllic tropical retreat with (11) amenities. The country’s award-winning island resorts are paradises waiting to be (12)

For budget-conscious tourists, there is an array of accommodations located (13)  to amenities and tourist attractions. Budget accommodations in Malaysia are (14)  according to the Orchid Classification Scheme and include hostels, bed (15)  breakfast establishments, inns, boarding houses, rest houses and lodging houses (16)  Orchid rating is awarded to tourist accommodations offering basic facilities (17)  well as safe and clean premises.

Adventurous souls can try (18)  the innumerable value-for-money kampung-style chalets located along popular beaches. Nature (19)  seeking communion with nature in Malaysia’s world-famous nature parks such (20) Taman Negara will be amazed by the easy availability of chalets with modern facilities in these areas.
