目前,我国对投资者买卖基金份额的( )征收印花税。
目前,我国对投资者买卖基金份额的( )征收印花税。
任务型阅读(共10个空格:每空1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在文后第71至第80小题的空格里填上适当的单词或短语。注意:每空1个单词。 You may argue with your partner and end up in a quarrel; or you disagree with a friend, and have an argument with him or her. In either case, you end up feeling low, and want to make up as soon as possible. The only way is to say “sorry”! This is the most precious word in the English language. Read on to find out how to say sorry in the right way. The first thing to remember is not to hide your feelings. Apologize only if you really do feel sorry. Do not lie or give false excuses. Even if it takes the person a long time to respond(回应),do not let your temper rise, since you cannot expect a person to accept your apology at once. Give your partner time to cool off a bit, and then apologize. It is always better to sort things out quickly. Remember that it does no good to keep arguing about who is right or wrong when tempers are flying. When apologizing, always look the other in the eyes, and stay calm. Do you want to know how to say sorry to a girl? Once you’ve accepted that you’ve make a mistake, meet her in person to apologize. Never say sorry to a girl on the phone. You can say sorry with flowers or with a card. Small gifts are also very effective. It can be difficult to say sorry after a fight. A written apology for an unforgivable mistake, such as cheating, is often the best way. Owning up to a mistake is very important, and it takes courage to apologize for bad behaviour. Your effort will not change the past, but can have a big effect on the future. How to Say Sorry