问题 计算题

如图在xOy坐标系第Ⅰ象限,磁场方向垂直xOy平面向里,磁感应强度大小均为B=1.0T;电场方向水平向右,电场强度大小均为E=N/C。一个质量m=2.0×10-7 kg,电荷量q=2.0×10-6 C的带正电粒子从x轴上P点以速度v0射入第Ⅰ象限,恰好在xOy平面中做匀速直线运动。0.10s后改变电场强度大小和方向,带电粒子在xOy平面内做匀速圆周运动,取g=10m/s2。求:





解:(1)如图粒子在复合场中做匀速直线运动,设速度v0x轴夹角为θ,依题意得:粒子合力为零 ①

重力mg=2.0×10-6 N,电场力F=Eq=2×10-6 N,洛伦兹力=4.0×10-6 N  ②

f=qv0Bv0=2 m/s  ③

=,θ=60° ④

速度v0大小2 m/s,方向斜向上与x轴夹角为60°


方向竖直向上 ⑥

(3)如图带电粒子匀速圆周运动恰好未离开第1象限,圆弧左边与y轴相切N点 ⑦

PQ匀速直线运动,PQ=v0t=0.2 m ⑧

洛伦兹力提供向心力,  ⑨

整理并代入数据得R= 0.2 m  ⑩

由几何知识得OP=R+Rsin60°-PQcos60°=0.27 m ⑾

x轴上入射P点离O点距离至少为0.27 m  ⑿


(36) have greeted Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ as she appeared outside (37) in a pink suit and hat on her 80th birthday. And (38) working grandmother shows no signs of slowing down and has genes on her side -- her mother died at 101. Queen Elizabeth’s husband, Prince Philip, followed close behind as she (39) the castle’s King Henry VIII gate, Voice of America reports. A military (40) played and a 21-gun salute (41) nearby ahead of another 41-gun salute in London’ s Hyde Park later in the day Friday. Prince Charles is (42) a birthday dinner for the (43) at a palace in London’s Kew Gardens. Queen Elizabeth has received 37,000 birthday cards and e-mails from around the world, according to (44) Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ issued a (45) saying she (46) by the messages. In an ITV News survey, Elizabeth was (47) the most popular royal. Bottom of the survey came Camilla Parker-Bowles, Duchess of Cornwall, who last year married the queen’s eldest son, Charles, after a tortuous 35-year (48) . In her 80s, Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ remains perhaps the most (49) . She is known for her penchant for brightly colored suits and hats. French designer Sonia Rykiel once criticized the Queen of England about the way she dresses. She called the Queen "the worst dressed person in the UK". "The Queen is one of the worst dresses people in the UK. She should stop wearing those bright suits and hats ..." Sonia Rykiel said. "A woman in her position should start dressing in a more (50) and serious manner." Frankly, we sold our Sonia Rykiel sweaters cardigans on eBay (51) after this interview. According to a senior royal aide, "The Queen proudly wears British designers. She wears (52) and stylish clothing which is right for the kind of work she does." Her main (53) include (54) photography, and dogs, especially her Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Queen Elizabeth II is Europe’s (55) living monarch. And lest we forget, Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ is the Queen of Canada, too.