David Sandridge earned the right to use the CFA designation in September 1968. Sandridge recently retired from the investment management profession. As he is retired, Sandridge no longer attends CFA Institute society meetings and has stopped paying his CFA Institute dues. According to the Standards of Practice Handbook, how should Sandridge refer to his affiliation with CFA program()
A. David Sandridge, CFA.
B. David Sandridge, CFA (retired).
C. "I was awarded the CFA charter in 1968."
(阅读下面的公文文稿,公文文稿后给出了关于这篇文稿的20项陈述,其中有10项指出了文稿中的错漏,请将这10项选出。其中错误用A表示,正确用B表示。)关于举荐刘德峰等5位同志参加赴日考察活动的请示报告C省商务局: 根据贵局《C省商务局关于组织全省2009年度赴日商务考察活动的通知》精神,经我局研究,决定举荐李学兵等5位同志参加考察活动,请审核。 以上意见如有不当,请批示。 附件:《AB市参加全省2008年度赴日商务考察活动人员名单》C省AB市商务局2009年2月30日 需修正的主要错漏: