问题 综合题


材料一  农夫早出暮入,耕稼树艺,多聚菽粟,此其分事也。妇人夙兴夜寐,纺绩积纴,多治麻丝葛绪捆布縿,此其分事也。


材料二 春耕夏耘,秋获冬藏,伐薪樵,治官府,给徭役。春不得避风尘,夏不得避暑热,秋不得避阴雨,冬不得避寒冻。四时之间,亡日休息,又私自送往迎来,吊死问疾,养孤长幼在其中。勤苦如此,尚复被水旱之灾,急政暴赋,赋敛不时,朝令而暮当具。有者半贾而卖,亡者取倍称之息。于是有卖田宅、鬻子孙以偿债者矣。














点评:小农经济是推动精耕细作技术发展的主要动力,它的兴衰关系到封建经济的繁荣、 * * 的安定;小农经济可以使农民勉强自给自足,生活比较稳定,也有较高的生产积极性。但小农经济的狭小生产规模和简单的性别分工,很难扩大再生产,阻碍了社会分工和交换经济的发展。到近代以后,它成为阻碍生产发展的因素。

     There was a woman in Detroit ,who had two sons.  She was worried about them, especially the younger one, Ben, because he was not doing well in school.  Boys in his class made jokes about him because he seemed so __1_   .
     The mother    _2_   that she herself would have to get her sons to do better in school.  She told them to
go to the Detroit Public Library to read a book a week and do a book report for her.
     One day, in Ben's   _3   , the teacher held up a rock and asked if anyone knew it. Ben put up his hand
and the teacher let him   _4_  . "Why did Ben put up his hand?" His classmates wondered. "He _5_   said
anything. What could he possibly want to say?
     Well, Ben not only   _6   the rock, but also said a lot about it.  He named other rocks in its group and
even knew   _7   the teacher had found it. The teacher and the students were   _8_  . Ben had learned all
this from doing one of his book   _9_   .
     Ben later went on to the    _10   of his class. When he finished high school, he went to Yale University
and at last became one of the best doctors in the United States.
( )1. A. clever  
( )2. A. seemed  
( )3. A. class    
( )4. A. think    
( )5. A. always  
( )6. A. found    
( )7. A. whether  
( )8. A. afraid  
( )9. A. pictures
( )10. A. top    
B. hard      
B. decided    
B. room      
B. leave      
B. ever      
B. played    
B. what      
B. surprised  
B. exercises  
B. end        
C. slow        
C. wondered    
C. office      
C. ask        
C. quickly    
C. knew        
C. where      
C. worried    
C. shops      
C. back        
D. quick      
D. told      
D. lab        
D. answer    
D. never      
D. heard      
D. why        
D. unhappy    
D. reports    
D. front      