问题 阅读理解


About three years ago,something terrible happened to me.

Those six hours of _______(惊恐) have broken my                  1.__________

body and soul. You think I am a very old man---_______ I             2.__________

am not. It_______ less than a single day to change my                3.__________

hair from black to w______. One day, my two brothers                4.__________

and I were coming back from the islands, our boat f_____ of fish.       5.__________

All at _______,the sky was covered with dark clouds and in           6.___________

l_____  than a minute we were in a terrible storm.                7.___________

An enormous w_______ covered our boat and my                   8.__________

younger brother ________(掉入) into the sea. Our boat survived,       9.___________

and I was trying to recover ________ my elder brother put his mouth   10.__________

close to my ear, and screamed out the terrifying word” Whirlpool!”.


1.terror   2. but    3. took       4. white     5. Full 6. once    7.less   8.wave       9. fell     10.when
