问题 阅读理解

This was not going to be a Mother’s Day as before. A lot of things had changed in the last few months. Usually we would give Mom flowers and take her out for a big meal. We couldn’t afford it this year.

Since I was born, Mom had been able to stay at home with me. We always had enough money to go out to eat two or three times a week if I had behaved well.

All that changed in January.

I could tell that Dad was getting a little angry. Mom would tell me to be quiet and let him rest at night. He’d work later and later.

Beginning in February, Dad tried hard to find another job. But it wasn’t easy for him to find something at the level he used to. He could not bring in as much money. That’s when he asked my mom to go back to work.

After a couple of weeks, Mom found a full-time job at a bank. The pay would be a big help to the family, but now Mom would not be around as much. I didn’t like it. I now had to stay in the after-school care program instead of going home and playing in my neighborhood. Too bad was, as soon as I did get home, I had to help get dinner ready, because Mom wouldn’t get home until after 6:00. I really missed the past time.

a)        This was not going to be a Mother’s Day as before because the writer’s father wasn’t in

b)       The writer’s home used to be rich. 

c)        His family changed because his father was mad.

d)       In February, the writer’s mother started to work at a bank.

e)        The writer really wanted his mother to stay with him







小题1:细节理解题,由文中语句“This was not going to be a Mother’s Day as before. A lot of things had changed in the last few months.”理解可知。

小题2:细节理解题,由文中语句“We always had enough money to go out to eat two or three times a week if I had behaved well.”理解可知。


小题4:细节理解题,由文中语句“That’s when he asked my mom to go back to work.”理解可知。

小题5:细节理解题,由文中语句“I really missed the past time.”理解可知。


某研究性学习小组的同学为验证浓硫酸与铜能反应而稀硫酸不能,设计了如图所示装置进行探究:将6.4 g铜片和含0.2 moL溶质的18.4 mol/L浓硫酸放在圆底烧瓶中共热,直到无气体生成为止。(假定在此过程溶液体积不变)








方案① 将产生的气体缓缓通入足量用稀硫酸酸化的KMnO4溶液,再加入足量BaCl2溶液,过滤、洗涤、干燥、称量沉淀。

方案② 将气体缓缓通入足量硝酸钡溶液中,然后过滤、洗涤、干燥、称量沉淀。





Ⅱ乙学生设计的方案是:分离出反应后的溶液并加蒸馏水稀释至1000 mL,取20.00 mL于锥形瓶中,滴入2~3滴酚酞指示剂,用标准NaOH溶液进行滴定(已知氢氧化铜开始沉淀的pH约为5),这种方法能否求出余酸的浓度,理由是_______________________________________。

