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我国上下级人民代表大会之间的关系是( )。







解析: 人民代表大会的性质和职权,决定了其上下级之间的关系同行政机关和党组织上下级之间关系的不同。行政机关和党组织上下级之间是领导与被领导、指挥与服从的关系,而人民代表大会上下级之间的关系是法律监督关系、业务指导关系和工作联系关系。故选ABD。



     In the year Shakespeare died in 1616, New England was born. This was in fact four years before

any English speakers permanently (永久) settled in that northern location. But in 1616 it was already

the subject of the book A Description of New England, by that busy explorer and promoter Captain

John Smith, who had visited the land two years before.

   According to Smith, New England owes its name to Sir Francis Drake. Not that Drake ever saw or

talked about New England, but in sailing around the world he stopped in 1597 at a place on the Pacific

coast of North American and called it Nova Albion, the Latin for "New England". Following Drake's

lead, Smith called the area at a similar latitude (纬度) on the Atlantic coast by the same name, translated

into plain English.

   The very words New England show the direction of Smith's thinking. This was to be an extension (延

伸) of Old England, not a new kind of community. The map in his book gives only English names for the

places of New England, and he provides a special list showing thirty American Indian names replaced by

English ones: Accormack by Plymouth, Massachusets River by Charles River, Kinebeck by

Edenborough, to list a few. Some of those changes succeeded. But what finally happened after the

Plymouth colonists landed four years later has turned out differently than Smith had imagined, for Indian

names as well as English ones still cover the new England area.

1. Captain John Smith arrived at the area New England in__________.

A. 1579      

B. 1614    

C. 1616      

D. 1620

2. The underline words "that northern location" probably refer to__________.

A. Edenborough    

B. Nova Albion  

C. New England  

D. Massachusets

3. The passage is written mainly to__________.

A. explain why English and Indian names are both used in New England 

B. explain how the name New England came into being

C. tell people New England was named by Sir Francis Drake

D. tell people that New England has a long history of having the name

4. It can be inferred from the passage that_________. 

A. Sir Francis Drake first used the name New England

B. The name New England was given by Captain John Smith

C. New England and Old England refer to the same land

D. English speakers began to settle in New England in 1612