问题 完形填空


1. 他迅速走过去把老人扶起来。

2. 我们跟着那小偷进了商店,并在他偷一位老人的钱的时候抓住了他的手。

3. 看到一块大石头挡住了去路,他们只得下车,并且费了九牛二虎的力气才把它移到路边。

4. 虽然他大声呼救,但无人来帮他。

5. 上个周日,当我们正在去公园的路上,一场大雨倾盆而下。结果我们浑身湿透了。

6. 王宏每天在吃完饭后,帮妈妈收拾桌子,这己经成为了惯例。

7. 他伸手去够书架上的那本书,但却摔倒在地上。

8. 我看见一位老人背着一个大包在雪地里费力地走着。

9. 那个骑车人撞倒了正在过马路的孩子。

10. 班长在墙上贴了一个通知,通知说:运动会因为下雪推迟到下周五。

11. 那位司机因为超速而付出了高昂的代价。

12. 正在我苦思冥想怎样解决这个棘手的问题时,一个好主意出现在我的脑子里。

13. 在暑假里,我的好多同学外出打工,而我却在医院照顾生病的妈妈。

14. 当外国朋友走出我们的校门,我们看见他们十分友好地对我们挥手道别。

15. 当我们向机场行驶时,一场车祸发生了。

16. 他向我道歉,因为昨天下课时他误拿了我的字典。

17. 当他弯腰系鞋带时,他看见地上有东西在发亮。

18. 当他回到家时己是晚上9点了。妈妈仍在等他回来吃饭。

19. 我写信告诉他:我在出国前必须进行大量的口语训练。

20. 他因我的及时帮助而表达了由衷的感谢。

21. 那只绑在树上的羊丢失了。这使他很伤心。

22. 那位司机因闯红灯而罚款200元。

23. 这些社会实践他活动有利于孩子们的个性培养和良好品德的形成。

24. 我们正在吃饭,突然闯进一个衣衫破旧的陌生人。

25. 他们决定去老王家登门拜访,并且和他好好谈谈。

26. 刚上路,天就开始下雨,这使我们十分扫兴。

27. 那个年青人虽然伤得不轻,但还是挣扎着站起来,并大声呼救。

28. 他一脚踩空,重重地摔在地上。

29. 在半道上他们遭遇到交通堵塞而且天也黑了。他们只得在路边小旅馆留宿一夜。

30. 他是一个很有礼貌的人。每次去看他,他都要把我们送到门口并嘱咐我们路上小心车辆。

31. 听到高速路上发生了一起严重的交通事故,他们立刻前去救护伤员。

32. 一个不能认真对待工作的人是不能被录用的。

33. 由于改革开放的好政策,许多村庄都呈现出一派欣欣向荣的气象。

34. 我们的老师并不鼓励我们熬夜做作业。

35. 在走了20里路后,我们累坏了。

36. 他为那张祖传的名画而十分自豪。

37. 他们在会上作了简要的自我介绍,然后才开始热烈的讨论。

38. 那位科学家因为研究发明了新稻种而获得了500万奖金。

39. 今年春节,很多地方都允许放鞭炮来辞旧迎接新。

40. 他主动提出帮我抬箱子,为此我很感谢他。

41. 恶劣的气候不仅破坏了我的心情而且使我无法去和朋友们见面。

42. 他从口袋里掏出几个硬币,放到那个卖艺人前面的盒子里。

43. 那辆车在我面前突然左转,这吓得我够呛。


1. He went over quickly to help the old man to his feet.

2. We followed the thief into the shop and caught him while he was stealing the money from an old

man who was doing the shopping there.

3. Seeing a big stone getting in the way, they had to get out of the car and gathered all their strength

to remove it to the roadside.

4. Though he was shouting for help in a loud voice, nobody came to his rescue.

5. Last Sunday when we were on the way to the park, a big rain poured down. As a result, we were

wet all over.

6. Wang Hong helped his mother to clear away the dishes after supper, as is often the rule.

7. He reached for the book on the shelf, but he fell onto the ground heavily.

8. I saw an old man walking in the snow with greatest difficulty with a big bag.

9. The cyclist knocked down the child crossing the street.

10. The monitor stuck a notice on the wall, which read, “The Sports meet will be put off until next

Friday due to the snow.”

11. That driver paid a high price for the speed-up.

12. I was thinking twice about how to solve the difficult problem when a good idea flashed across

my mind.

13. During the summer vacation, most of my classmates took up a part-time job, while I stayed in

the hospital to look after my sick mother. 

14. When the foreign friends walked out of the school gate, we saw them waving their hands to greet

us again.

15. While we were heading for the airport, an unexpected traffic accident took place.

16. He apologized to me for his taking my dictionary by mistake when class was over yesterday.

17. When he bent his body to do up his shoes, he saw something shining on the ground.

18. It was already 9 o’clock last night when he came back home. But his mother remained waiting

for him to have dinner.

19. I wrote him a letter, saying that I would have a lot of practice in oral English before going


20. He expressed his hearty thanks to me for my timely help.

21. The sheep tied to the tree was missing, which upset him very much.

22. That driver was fined 200 dollars for not stopping the car when the traffic lights turned red.

23. The social activities have benefited the building up of the children’s characters and the

development of their personalities.

24. We were at table when a stranger in rags broke in.

25. The decided to call at Lao Wang’s house and have a word with him.

26. They had not been on their way long when it began to rain, which ruined their trip.

27. Though the young man was badly injured, and yet he struggled to his feet and cried for help with

all his strength.

28. He missed his footing and as a result he fell heavily on to the ground.

29. They were stuck in a traffic jam halfway and to make matters worse, it was getting dark. They

had no choice but to put themselves up in an inn by the roadside for the night.

30. He is a man who behaves well. / He is a polite man. Each time we call on him, he sees us to the door and tells us to be careful of the cars coming and going on the streets.

31. On hearing there was a serious traffic accident that took place on the highway, they hurried to the spot to rescue the injured.

32. Anyone who doesn’t take his work seriously/ who is not careful with his work mustn’t be

admitted to a unit or a company.

33. Thanks to the policy of reform and opening, quite a lot of villages have taken on a completely new look.

34. Our teachers discourage against our doing homework far into the night.

35. After covering 20 miles, we completely gave out.

36. He takes great pride in the famous painting that was passed down from his old generation.

37. They gave each other a brief introduction to themselves and then a heated discussion started.

38. The scientist was given five million yuan as a reward for his inventing a new kind of rice seeds

that can sharply increase the total output of rice in our country.

39. During the Spring Festival this year, setting off firecrackers is permitted in many places in order

to ring out the old and ring in the new.

40. He offered to help me with the box, for which I was very graceful.

He offered to give me a hand with the box, for which I thanked him very much.

41. Not only did the bad weather ruin my mood but also it stopped me from meeting my friends.

42. He pulled a several coin out of the pocket and then put them into the box in front of the man

who was playing the violin.

43. The car made a quick turn in front of me, which frightened me a lot.



     My dad, Greg Newman, had wanted to be a race  car driver, but things didn't work out for him.So

I guess having a son who could become a race car driver was the next best thing.Don't get me

wrong-Dad didn't push me into racing.In fact, when I was about 10 years old, my dad was afraid that

driving a car wasn't my dream.So he took the racing away from me.I wasn't very happy with that decision.It wasn't long before Dad realized that racing was what I loved.

     At four, Dad bought me my first Quarter Midget (袖珍赛车)  and that's really where it started for us.

Back then, Dad coached me.He would stick out (伸出) his footin the path of the race car, and then tell

me to exactly hit his foot.By repeating this again and again, Dad believed that I would be faster and

sharper on the race track.

     Dad worked really long hours at his car repair business to make money so that I could race each

weekend.I can remember that every night before he turned off the lights in the garage, Dad would tell

me:"Don't forget to kiss your race car good night." He was trying to teach me that if I show respect, it's

returned.He wanted me to show thankfulness and respect for my race car and for all the hard work that

we and many others had put into the dream.

     My dad, my mom and my sister gave up a lot of things to help me race.For us, there was no better

moment than winning the 50th running of the Daytona 500 in 2008.That evening in February 2008, I

knew I had gotten a good push.I could hear the excitement.My father couldn't speak a word, and when

he got to  Victory Lane (车道), he nearly knocked me over and  gave me such a big hug.

1. Why did Greg Newman stop his son to race when his son was 10 years old?

A. Because he thought racing was dangerous.

B. Because he worried that his son didn't like racing.

C. Because he didn't want his son to fail like he did.

D. Because he couldn't afford the money.

2. Greg Newman did all the following things to support his son's dream EXCEPT________.

A. training his son to race

B. working hard to make money

C. buying his son a mini racing car

D. changing his job as a race car driver

3. Why did Greg Newman let his son hit his foot?

A. To improve his son's skill.  

B. To help his son to be braver.

C. To have fun with his son.      

D. To make his son more careful.

4. Greg Newman asked his son to kiss his race car good night to________.

A. get help from his family

B. treat the race car as a person

C. feel grateful that he could follow his dream

D. develop a close relationship with his race car

5. In the 50th running of the Daytona 500, Greg Newman couldn't say anything because he was______.

A. disappointed  

B. surprised  

C. sad    

D. excited