问题 单项选择题

在都市炎热的夏季,我们的双眼和咽部常感不适,这是因为我们吸入的气体实际上已不再是纯净的空气,而是包含氮气、氧气与汽车尾气以及工厂排出的各种废气所形成的混合气体。这些混合气体的分子在阳光照射下正进行着复杂的反应。 在大气的组成中,臭氧起着举足轻重的双重作用。而在都市烟雾中,臭氧则主要起着负面作用,它严重地损害了人们的呼吸道,并导致农作物大幅度减产,全球每年由此造成的损失都要超过数十亿美元。但在3万~7.5万英尺 (9144~22860米)高空的同温层,臭氧却对地球生灵起着极为重要的保护作用,由于臭氧具有复杂的双重作用,因此我们不能对臭氧笼统地用“好”和“坏”来形容。 臭氧在工业领域的用途极其广泛,是最常用的消毒剂,我们日常饮用水就是用它来清除其中对人体有害的氯。相信不久的将来,我们还会用它来清除食品中的有害物质。此外,臭氧还被广泛应用于医药领域。总之,臭氧是一种值得重视的物质,它的重要与人类赖以生存的氧气相提并论一点也不为过。 暴风雨过后的天空中往往存在着大量臭氧,它有着自己的独特的气味。 “臭氧”这个词源于希腊语,是“嗅”的意思。臭氧分子由三个氧原子组成,高度浓缩时呈淡蓝色,气味较臭。由于构成臭氧分子的三个氧原子之间键合较弱,这就决定臭氧的稳定性较差,能够较容易地分离成氧原子。臭氧的这一特性使它成为极好的氧化剂。比较而言,氧分子的两个氧原子键合较强,因此具有较强的稳定性。 当夏日雷雨发生时,处于低大气层中的氧分子在雷电的作用下,往往会形成大量臭氧,但它的存在时间非常短暂,通常只有20多分钟。陆地上大部分臭氧,主要形成于距地表15英里(24公里)的大气层顶部的同温层,在那里,由于太阳紫外线的强烈辐射,产生了大量臭氧。在强太阳紫外线的作用下,氧分子常常被分离成游离氧原子,一旦和通常的氧分子结合就会形成臭氧。 臭氧也能和土壤里、海洋里以及火山爆发时产生的氮、氢、氯产生反应,并上升到同温层。当然,太阳活动周期和同温层气流的变化也会对该层中臭氧的产生和存在具有较大影响。 综上所述,由于各方面的综合作用和影响,在同温层就产生了一个臭氧相对集中的臭氧层。因为臭氧层几乎吸收了所有来自太阳的紫外线,特别是对生命有害的UV—B波长的紫外线,因此它对地球生命来说极其重要。如果 UV—B波长紫外线不受阻拦,顺利到达地球的话,那么人类的皮肤癌和白内障患者将会成倍增加,农作物、森林和海洋浮游生物也会遭受毁灭性破坏。 虽然臭氧对地球环境有着不可替代的巨大作用,但自然界中的臭氧却非常稀少。即使在浓度最高的臭氧层,每1000万个空气分子中也只有3个臭氧分子。打个比方来说,如果在海平面压强条件下将大气中所有臭氧集中起来的话,那么它的厚度也仅有1/8英寸(即3毫米)。








单项选择题 案例分析题

Have you had a headache during a test Have you ever been so worried about something that you have a headache or even can’t sleep at night If so, then you know what stress is. Stress is what you feel when you are worried about something. This worry in your mind can make your body feel bad. You may feel angry, sad, scared, or afraid—all of which can give you a stomachache or a headache.
However, there are different kinds of stress. Some kinds of stress are good and others are bad. Good stress might happen when you’re called to answer questions in class or when you have to give a speech. This kind of stress can help you to get things better done. For example, you may do a better job on your test if the stress pushes you to prepare better before the test.
On the other hand, bad stress can happen if stress lasts too long. You may not feel well if your parents are fighting, if a family member is sick, if you’re having problems at school, or if anything else makes you unhappy every day. That kind of stress isn’t going to help you. And it can actually make you sick.
The best way to fight stress is to have a balanced life. Make sure you keep your SELF in mind: Sleep, Exercise, Leisure(休闲), and Food. If you get enough sleep and eat properly, and if you exercise and leave time for fun, you’ll probably feel less stressed.

Title: Face the Stress
Meaning of stressStress is a (68) when you are worried about something.
Possible effectYou may feel uncomfortable in your (69) and body.

Good stress

· It might happen when you have to (70) in public.

· It will be more (71) for you to do the job successfully.

· It makes you (72) better before doing the job.

Different kindsBad stress

· It might happen if your stress (73) too long.

· You may not feel well with the (74) of a family member, problems at school or something else that worries you every day.

· It might stop you from getting your work well done.

How to keep stress (75) 

Have a balanced life.

· Have enough sleep and have (76) food.

· Take exercise and have time to (77) yourself.