Learn a foreign language is different from learning one’s
mother tongue. The learning usually takes the place at school 77 _________
and they are few chances to communicate with other speakers 78 _________
of the language. As a result of, some students think that learning 79 _________
a foreign language are slow and difficult. However, we actually 80 _________
learn a foreign language much fast than we do our mother tongue. 81 _________
When you were learning your mother tongue, you spent all you 82 _________
waking hours communicated with the people around you. In other 83 _________
word, you were studying the language all day long. You did this for 84 _________
five years, so is an awful lot of hours. 85 _________
77. Learn→Learning
78. 去掉the
79. they→there
80 .去掉第二个of
81 .are→is
82. fast→faster
83 .you→your
84 .communicated→communicating
85 .word→words
86 .在so和is之间加it或that