问题 单项选择题

吴某因欠李某借款8万元,将卡车一辆抵押给李某并办理了抵押权登记。后卡车因车祸损坏,吴某将卡车送到某修理厂大修,修理完毕后,吴某因资金紧张无力支付1万元修理费,修理厂遂将卡车留置。此时,吴某欠李某的借款到期,李某要求修理厂将卡车交给自己进行拍卖,以所得资金偿付借款,修理厂以吴某尚欠修理费为由拒绝。此争议应如何处理( )







解析:[考点] 抵押权与留置权并存 《担保法解释》第79条规定:“同一财产法定登记的抵押权与质权并存时,抵押权人优先于质权人受偿。同一财产抵押权与留置权并存时,留置权人优先于抵押权人受偿。”因此,修理人享有的合法的留置权优先于李某的抵押权,在修理人行使了留置权后,李某的抵押债权才能得到优先受偿。



  The Yanhuang Travel Agency will organize(组织) a travel to Mount Yunwu on Labor Day. Mount Yunwu is a very beautiful mountain with a clean river nearby. It is near the Great Wall and it's only 80 kilometers away from the city center. If you are interested in it,read this information carefully , please.

  Time Labor Day Activities Climb the mountain and the Great Wall; swim in the river; pick up fresh fruit. Quota(名额) 40 adults only. Transportation. Go there by bus and come back by train. Phone 62385164 between 8 :00 a. m. and 6 :00 p. m. Price 450 yuan altogether, but if you sign up (报名) before next Tuesday you can have 30 percent off. We will set out at 6:30 a. m. on LaborDay. Please contact(联系) our travel agency in time.

1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the above information?

A. Mount Yunwu isn't far from the Great Wall.

B. You can swim in the river that is next to Mount Yunwu.

C. You can go on the trip with your children.

D. The work time of the travel agency must be 10 hours a day.

2. How will the travelers come back from Mount Yunwu?

A. By bus.            

B. By car.

C. By bike.            

D. By train.

3. What time will the travelers set out to Mount Yunwu?

A. At 6:00 a. m.        

B. At 6:30 a. m.

C. At 8:00 a. m.        

D. At 6:00 p. m.

4. If you sign up this Sunday,how much should you pay for a person?

A. 450 yuan.          

B. 350 yuan.

C. 315 yuan.          

D. 300 yuan.
