问题 单项选择题

必须抵押登记的情形不包括( )。







解析: 根据我国《物权法》第一百八十七条的规定,需要进行抵押登记的财产主要有:(一)建筑物和其他土地附着物;(二)建设用地使用权;(三)以招标、拍卖、公开协商等方式取得的荒地等土地承包经营权;(四)正在建造的建筑物。正在建造的船舶、航空器以及交通运输工具是属于登记对抗主义情形。

单项选择题 A1/A2型题


Long ago there lived in the mountains a small dragon named Marvin. Like all the other dragons, Marvin had hard skin, a long tail, wings for flying, and a breath of fire. However, Marvin was different from the others. He was friendly like a dog and smart like an elephant.

Three large dragons, Bord ,Brun ,and Barg, delighted in scaring and teasing(戏弄) the other animals on the mountain. One day a goat got lost and came to a place where Bord, Brun, and Barg were sitting. The dragons surrounded the goat and began to tease it. They breathed fire at it and burned its wool. They hit it with their long tails. The scared goat was desperate(拼命) to get away from the three large dragons.

Marvin was flying overhead. He saw what the dragons were doing and landed on a cliff above them. "Excuse me!" Marvin shouted clown to the dragons. "Which of you is the pest dragon"

"The old man with magical powers who lives on the other side of the mountain wants to find the pest dragon, "answered Marvin. "So which of you is the pest"

"I am!" Shouted Bord, and he lifted up a huge rock over his head. He swayed under the weight of the rock but held it p.

"I am!" Shouted Brun, and he grabbed the tops of two trees. He bent them towards each other so the tops touched and held them p.

"I am! "shouted Barg, and he drank all the water out of the mountain lake. His stomach swelled like a balloon, but he held the water p.

As the three dragons showed their strength, Marvin flew down to the goat and gently picked it up. "Come now, small one," Marvin said to the goat. "Let us go quickly to the old man and tell him that we have found the three pest dragons in all the land!\

Marvin was able to help the goat because().

A.he was bigger than the other dragons

B.he was per than the other dragons

C.he was smarter than the other dragons

D.he could fly faster than the other dragons