问题 单项选择题 B型题











     As the United States continues to argue over the future of the illegal immigrants traveling across its

borders ,I went on a joumey to discover what hardships people crossing the border from Tijuana, Mexico must face.  I worked at a soup kitchen, where I came into contact with many poor citizens who had

recently arrived in Tijuana. One of the people I served was a Guatemalan named Juan , who washed cars

for low pay in the US. After we spoke for 10 minutes,Juan introduced me to his girlfriend,a local stripper who offered to give me a free lap dance if I ever decided to visit the club across the street. I certainly didn't need to respond to this.  

     I also visited a shelter for the recently deported and those who have recently arrived in Tijuana from other Mexican states. Tijuana is home to more than l.5 million people and is populated by many migrants who

arrive and leave mostly for reasons of unemployment. Having dinner at the shelter,l talked with those who planned to stay the night. Seated at my table was a man in his 40s. He had recently been deported from

Los Angeles for not having the proper legal  documentation. The only belongings he carried with him were

a few clothes and an album  filled with pictures of  his wife and  three daughters in  Los  Angeles.  I was

surprised by how open he was in sharing his story. I feel bad for  not learning his name  before  I  left.

Returning to my country on the final day of my trip awakened a strange feeling inside me.

    I went on this trip with an open mind and heart and was given the chance to communicate with so many

different people that I wouldn't have met in my everyday life. I felt guilty for taking so many things for

granted, while people a few hundred miles away are already satisfied with the simpler things that they have.

1. The strange feeling inside the writer is that_________.

A. he didn't value the chance to communicate with those people in the shelter

B. he didn't discover enough hardships the deported experienced

C. he took many things f'or granted

D. so many Mexican people should be refused to enter the US

2. From the selection we know that_________.

A. the writer served soup the anyone arriving in Tijuana

B. the United States has decided to take in more immigrants

C. Tijuana has a population of 1.5 million

D. Juan's girlfriend was a dancing girl

3. The illegal immigrants met with the following hardships FXCEPT_________.

A. having to be strippers            

B. getting low pay

C. finding no work                    

D. being deported

4. We can infer from the selection that__________.

A. washing cars in the US brings in low pay

B. the write showed little interest in strip dancing

C. Juan wasn't open-minded at all

D. the writer got a real lesson from his journey