问题 单项选择题

若M、N两国之间发生了战争,甲、乙、丙,丁等国纷纷声明表示战时中立,则下列做法不符合有关国际法上中立国的权利和义务的是( )。







解析:[考点] 战时中立国的权利和义务 本题A、B两项考查战时中立国的权利,C、D两项考查战时中立国的义务。 战时中立,是指在战争时期,非交战国选择不参与战争、保持对交战双方不偏不倚的法律地位。中立国在国际法上的权利包括,禁止交战的敌国在中立国领海内从事拿捕和临检等敌对行为。非因风浪、缺少燃料或不能航行,不得将捕获物带到港口,一旦不能航行的原因停止,应该马上离开。对于不应停泊的中立国口岸所停白的交战国军舰,经通知仍不离开者,中立国有权采取措施,在战争期间予以扣留。A项中甲国的做法是符合上述规定的,因此应该排除。 中立国在与交战国关系中具有某些特殊权利,中立国有权与交战国的任一方保持正常的外交和商务关系。对于在不违背其中立义务的情况下,与互为敌国的交战国一方进行的交往,交战国另一方应予以尊重和容忍。所以乙国可以与N国保持正常的外交关系和商事交往,B项也是正确的。 关于战时中立国的义务包括不作为的义务、防止的义务和容忍的义务。其中不作为的义务是指不得直接或间接地向任何交战国提供军事支持域帮助,包括不得提供军队、武器、给养、贷款或向交战国军队提供庇护场所等。除基于人道主义考虑所提供的医药或医护人员以外,上述支持或帮助,即使是平等地提供给交战国双方,也是中立地位所不允许的。C项中,丙国向两国提供医药、医护人员是可以允许的,其向两国军队提供庇护场所的行为虽然是平等地给予两国,也是违反了中立国的义务的,因此C项是符合题意的选项。战时中立国具有的容忍义务,是指中立国须容忍交战国根据战争法对其国家和人民采取的有关措施,包括对其有关船舶的临检,对其从事非中立义务的船舶的拿捕、审判、处罚或非常征用。D项中,前往M国的丁国船只“莲花号”由于载有禁制品,属于从事非中立义务的船舶,丁国应该容忍N国对“莲花号”的处罚和非常征用。所以D项也是正确的。


If phone calls and web pages can be beamed through the air to portable devices, then why not electrical power, too It is a question many consumers and device manufacturers have been asking themselves for some time. But to seasoned observers of the electronics industry, the promise of wireless recharging sounds depressingly familiar. In 2004 Splashpower, a British technology firm, was citing “very p” interest from consumer-electronics firms for its wireless charging pad. Based on the principle of electromagnetic induction (EMI) that Faraday had discovered in the 19th century, the company’s “Splashpad” contained a coil that generated a magnetic field when a current flowed through it. When a mobile device containing a corresponding coil was brought near the pad, the process was reversed as the magnetic field generated a current in the second coil, charging the device’ s battery without the use of wires. Unfortunately, although Faraday’s principles of electromagnetic induction have stood the test of time, Splashpower has not — it was declared bankrupt last year without having launched a single product.

Thanks to its simplicity .and measurability, electromagnetic induction is still the technology of choice among many of the remaining companies in the wireless-charging arena. But, as Splashpower found, turning the theory into profitable practice is not straightforward. But lately there have been some promising developments.

The first is the formation in December 2008 of the Wireless Power Consortium, a body dedicated to establishing a common standard for inductive wireless charging, and thus promoting its adoption. The new consortium’s members include big consumer-electronics firms, such as Philips and Sanyo, as well as Texas Instruments, a chipmaker.

Fierce competition between manufacturers of mobile devices is also accelerating the introduction of wireless charging. The star of this year’s Consumer Electronics Show held in Las Vegas was the Pre, a smart-phone from Palm. The Pre has an optional charging pad, called the Touchstone, which uses electromagnetic induction to charge the device wirelessly.

As wireless-charging equipment based on electromagnetic induction heads towards the market, a number of alternative technologies are also being developed. PowerBeam, a start-up based in Silicon Valley, uses lasers to beam power from one place to another.

It now seems to be a matter of when, rather than if, wireless charging enters the mainstream. And if those in the field do find themselves languishing in the disillusionment, they could take some encouragement from Faraday himself. He observed that “nothing is too wonderful to be true if it be consistent with the laws of nature.” Not even a wirelessly rechargeable iPhone.

What’s the difference between the technology of Splashpower and that of PowerBeam()

A.Splashpower lies on the principle of EMI and PowerBeam doesn’t

B. Splashpower uses coils to cause EMI and PowerBeam uses lasers

C.Splashpower went bankrupt and PowerBeam grows prosperous

D. PowerBeam uses a special charging pad and Splashpower doesn’t