问题 选择题








题目分析:此题考查的是对中国国粹京剧发展沿革历程的理解。根据题干提供的信息和所学史实昆曲是戏曲之祖;京剧北京化应该是在乾隆年间,嘉庆、道光年间又和进京的汉调艺人合作,使西皮、二簧两种声腔合流,逐渐形成相当完整的艺术风格和表演体系;同治、光绪年间,京剧已经被北京市民承认,成为人民最喜爱的舞台艺术,并很快风靡全国。所以此题正确选项是A。京剧取各种戏剧之长而成,不是“戏剧之祖”,排除B项。京剧的形成是在乾隆五十五年(1790年)徽班进京后,并非是元末初创,也非在康乾京化,故排除C、D两项。乾嘉落户是指在乾隆、嘉庆年间落户于北京,同光扬名是指在同治、光绪年间迎来第一个繁盛期,民族瑰宝是指京剧是中 * * 传统文化的瑰宝。



     The world has changed and being intelligent isn't normally equal to being a successful person. Look at

the example of the blue whale:It has a huge brain,but it still doesn't know how to avoid whalers or use its

large size and weight to deal with those who try to use their body for profit. Scientists hold an opinion that

the blue whale just likes some highly intelligent people who fail to succeed. Those highly intelligent people

can't succeed in life because they can't communicate well with the world around them.

     Intelligence is a word in life that makes you think you are better than others. Intelligence can blind these

very people from how others view them. These people also think that the route to power and success

results purely from intelligence and they sometimes live in a fantasy world that they create by their

supposed brain power.

     This is a distance that develops whether or not they realize it and sometimes,a person can be disliked

simply because of his or her intelligence. This distance is sometimes so far apart that it gets to the position

where they can't listen to each other. One side thinks the other is stupid and the other thinks he/she is

haughty(傲慢的).And most of the time it is the intelligent people who lose themselves in this situation.

They become unpopular with most of the people around them. This affects them in whatever they do and

sooner or later they will lose their confidence.

     It doesn't help that they get a culture shock-especially when they leave college and realize success and

richness don't always and sometimes never come naturally with intelligence. While some might think this is

a dramatic picture to paint,it is sometimes the end result of some people.

1. The example of "the blue whale" is used to show _____.

A. communication is more important than intelligence

B. human beings are always more intelligent than animals

C. humans should have the sense of protecting animals

D. the blue whale is the largest animal in the world

2. Those supposed intelligent people often believe that _____.

A. they should make their life the same with others

B. they should live in a better world than the others

C. they are sure to be successful because of their intelligence

D. other people's opinion should be seriously considered

3. What makes the intelligent people lose their confidence?

A. They become separated from other people and lose their support.

B. They often can't get higher positions though they are intelligent.

C. They can't persuade those stupid people to accept their ideas.

D. They often can't make good use of their advantages.

4. We can infer that the end result of the supposed intelligent people would be _____.

A. great achievements    

B. more efforts

C. failure in the future    

D. proper changes