问题 完形填空

1.当你和以英语为母语的人士面对面交流时,不要害怕犯语法错误。(native English speakers, grammatical )

2.正是孩子们要求父母给他们更多的时间来做自己喜欢做的事。(request, 强调句)

3.尽管我们学过“even if”,但我们发现运用它还很难。(even if,it做形式宾语 )

4.当朋友生气时,你应劝劝她并好好相处。(calm down, get along )

5.这位老人苦于失去记忆因而无法记录下自己的经历。(suffer from, set down, because of)

6. 我到达伦敦时,碰巧下雨。(happen)


1.When you are talking with native English speakers face to face, don’t be afraid of making grammatical mistakes.

2.It was children that requested their parents to give them more time to do what they like.

3. Even if we have learned “even if”, we still find it difficult to use.

4. When your friend is angry, you should calm her down and get along well with her.

5. The old man is suffering from loss of memory/losing memory and because of that he can’t set down his experiences.

6. It happened to be raining when I arrived in London.

配伍题 B1型题