Grandma Moses was crazy about painting soon before she picked it up and worked hard at it.
She painted careful and her works were nice.She first painted only to please oneself, and then began
to sell her works with a little money.In 1993, a collector, Louis Caldor happen to see several of
Grandma Moses'work hanging in a shop.He liked them, buying them at once, and set out to look for
less.Caldor held a show to introduce the works of Grandma Moses other artists.Grandma Moses, who
was worldfamous, was died on December 13,1961, at the age of 101.
Grandma Moses was crazy about painting soon before she picked it up and
1. after
worked hard at it.She painted careful and her works were nice.She first painted
2. carefully
only to please oneself, and then began to sell her works with a little money.In 1993,
3. herself 4. for
a collector, Louis Caldor happen to see several of Grandma Moses'work hanging in
5. happened 6. works
a shop.He liked them, buying them at once, and set out to look for less.Caldor held
7. bought 8. more
a show to introduce the works of Grandma Moses ∧other artists.Grandma Moses,
9. to
who was worldfamous, was died on December 13,1961, at the age of 101.
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