问题 填空题
so far, some day, bathing suit, clean out, get back to sb,be off,
lead singer, thanks to, turn off, look forward to,
1.  Oh, it's getting late.  I really must______now.  See you tomorrow.
2. ______ my math teacher,  I passed my math test easily this time.
3.  My cousin wants to be a______in the famous rock band.
4.  Just go on with your research work, Jenny.  I'm sure your dream will come true______.
5.  After I finished doing all my homework,  I______the light and went to bed.
6. Yesterday afternoon, I went swimming with my friends. But I forgot to take my______with me.
7.  If I were you,  I would______all those old books and threw them away.
8.  I'm sorry, Jim.  I was rather busy just now and couldn't______on time.
9.  My mother was very worried about my brother.  We haven't heard from him ______.
10. We will be at the train station on Lime and______seeing you.

1.  be off  2.  Thanks to 3. lead singer  4. some day 5.  turned off  

6.  bathing suit 7.  clean out   8.  get back to you 9. so far 10. look forward to



材料一:巴尔干半岛和中东地区,历来被英国视为大英帝国的生命线。大战结束前后,美国利用种种借口,千方百计渗入这个连结欧亚两大洲的重要战略地区……1947年2月21 日,英国向美国国务院发出了结束援助希、土的照会,声称国内严重的经济困难使英国在3月31 日以后无法继续向希腊、土耳其两国提供援助。英国强调希、土面临 * * 主义的严重“威胁”,根本无力维护“民主制度”,由于希、土在军事和战略上的重要性,西方国家决不能眼看它们落入苏联控制之下。


材料三:其实杜鲁门主义从来没有规定过什么“地理界线”。杜鲁门自己就认为“, 这是美国外交政策的转折点,它现在宣布,不论什么地方,不论直接或间接侵略威胁了和平,都与美国的安全有关”,美国都必须进行干涉。1947 年5月22 日,援助希、土法案






