问题 单项选择题

根据《现金管理暂行条例》规定,下列经济业务中,不能用现金支付的是( )。







解析: 支付物资采购货款1200元,超过了结算起点,不能用现金支付。其余的三项均符合现金的使用范围的规定。故答案为C。


Scientists have been studying the reasons why some people don't like the taste of certain vegetables. They found that people inherit(遗传)some genes from their parents that cause them to like or dislike certain vegetables.

In their research about tastes, scientists found that there are three types of people in the world. First, there are non-tasters, who are not very sensitive to sweet-tasting foods or bitter-tasting foods. The people of the second type are just called tasters, and those of the third are super tasters who are very sensitive to sweet and bitter flavors. Children of the third type, who are super-tasters, will probably not like vegetables such as broccoli and Brussels sprout because of their bitter taste. This is unfortunate, because super-tasters might avoid eating foods that are important for their health.

The scientists said that thousands of years ago. On the other hand, super tasters actually had an advantage over other types of people. At that time, super-tasters could avoid eating bitter-tasting poisonous plants which other types of people would eat.

From this research about tastes, we learn some interesting things about super-tasters. For one thing, super-tasters have more taste buds(味蕾)on their tongues. And, to super-tasters bitters foods taste very bitter, and sweet foods taste very sweet. Super-tasters might also not like spicy food made with chili pepper, because it would be too hot for them. Furthermore, female supper-tasters probably won't be very fat, but they do seem to enjoy cooking more than other types of people.

小题1:Find in the passage a word closest in meaning to the underlined word "spicy".


小题2:What do scientists call those people who are not very sensitive to sweet-tasting or bitter-tasting foods? (回答词数不超过2个)


小题3:According to the scientists, why don't some people like the taste of certain vegetables? (回答词数不超过9个)


小题4:What would prevent a super-taster from eating food important for their health? (回答词数不超过8个)

