问题 单项选择题

甲将自行车借给乙使用,乙擅自以市场价格将该自行车卖给丙,后来,丙在使用过程中,自行车被丁偷走,能够取得自行车所有权的是谁( )







解析:[考点] 物权的追及效力 赋予物权追及效力是对物的所有人的保护方式,物权人对自己所有的物丧失占有后,无论经过几次的周转,仍可以从占有人处取得自己的物。但是,为了保护善意第三人的利益,物权追及效力的行使不得对抗善意第三人。 A项,甲是自行车的所有人,本应享有对自行车的所有权,但是,本题中,乙以市场价格将自行车卖给丙,丙成为善意第三人,甲根据物权所享有的追及效力受到了阻却,不能再享有对自行车的所有权,只享有对乙的损害赔偿请求权。 B项,乙向甲借了自行车,享有的只是自行车的使用权,不能享有所有权。 C项,丙以市场价格从乙处购买自行车,并已完成交付,丙作为善意第三人,享有自行车的所有权。 D项,丁用非法手段实现对自行车的占有,不能取得自行车的所有权。 综上所述,本题ABD项错误,C项正确。

When I was a young child, my parents often told me that it was time that taught a man everything. I didn’t understand and wondered why _31_ had such a big influence _32_ a person. I thought I could grow up quickly to find it out as an adult. But now, _33_ I come to knock at the door of adulthood, I feel _34_ to express my own opinion on this saying. I know that I am just a high school student with very few experiences. There are still many things waiting for me in the future, yet I would like to express myself in a childish voice.
I once read this sentence, “To make this world a happy place in which to live, you had better _35_ yourself and your heart, instead of the whole world.” I was shocked. It made me think about _36_ itself. There are so many things around us that _37_ our will. We can’t force life to follow our wishes. The earth won’t stop turning no matter whether we _38_ it or not . What we can do is just to make  _39_ suit the world. I think we should learn to accept _40_ life gives us, no matter whether it’s the spring sunlight or the winter snowfall, and try to be happy.
The pop song Grandmother by Jay Chou is my favorite. I’m deeply moved by this beautiful song. I always try to _41_ every pleasant thing in my life, but now I see that I don’t catch most of the pleasant moments. It is more likely that they slip by(流逝)and leave you _42_ regretful. I realize that I’m not just living for myself and that there are others I should _43_ such as my parents, friends, and so on. They all pay attention to my growing up, _44_ it’s just a little progress.
Everyone has his or her own _45_ towards life, positive or negative. It doesn’t  matter, I think. There is one rule that should be obeyed and that’s to make this world better.
31. A. man
B. time
C. thing 
D. parent
32. A. about
B. with
C. on
D. in
33. A. before
B. after
C. as 
D. when
34. A. glad
B. angry  
C. tired 
D. anxious
35. A. praise 
B. change
C. exchange 
D. force
36. A. life 
B. money
C. heart
D. world
37. A. go with
B. go along 
C. go for
D. go against
38.A. receive 
B. check 
C. refuse  
D. accept
39.A. himself 
B. themselves
C. ourselves 
D. yourself
40. A. what
B. that 
C. which 
D. why
41. A. touch
B. escape 
C. catch
D. lose
42. A. feeling
B. looking 
C. remaining
D. proving
43. A. make of
B. speak of  
C. hear of
D. think of
44. A. in case 
B. in that
C. even if  
D. as if
45. A. idea
B. way 
C. view
D. attitude