问题 单项选择题

下列是Applet的运行过程经历的4个步骤,这些步骤正确的顺序应是( )。   ①浏览器中的Java运行环境运行该Applet   ②浏览器加载HTML文件中指定的Applet类   ③浏览器解析HTML文件   ④浏览器加载指定URL中的HTML文件



C. i

D. j



解析:按照正常的书写格式选项B) 正确。选项A) 12.后面不应点带点号,但不同的变量类型可带不同的字母。选项C) 1,000计算机在数字中不识别逗号“,”。选项D) 4 5 6在数字中间不要加空格,计算机会把4 5 6当成字符串“4 5 6”来处理。


Modern industrial society grants little status to old people. In fact, such a society has a system of built-in obsolescence. There is no formal system for continuing our education throughout our life in order to keep up with rapidly changing knowledge. When our education and job skills have grown obsolete, we are treated exactly like those who have never gained an education or job skills and are not encouraged or given the opportunity to begin anew.
As a society becomes more highly developed, the overall status of older people diminishes. Improved health technology creates a large pool of old people, who compete for jobs with the young. However, economic technology lowers the demand for workers and creates new jobs for which the skills of the aged are obsolete, forcing older people into retirement. At the same time, young people are being educated in the new technology and are keeping pace with rapid changes in knowledge. Finally, urbanization creates age-segregated neighborhoods. Because the old live on fixed incomes, they must often live in inferior housing. All these factors—retirement, obsolete knowledge and skills, inferior standards of living—lower the status of the aged in society.
A century ago, when one could expect to live only to 50 or so, the life span more or less coincided with the occupation and family cycle. But today the average life span allows for fifteen to twenty years of life after these cycles. It appears that our life span is outpacing our usefulness in society.

By "a system of built-in obsolescence" the author means ______.

A.no formal systems exist in modern industrial society

B.old people have no status in modern industrial society

C.young people have chances in modern industrial society

D.knowledge changes rapidly in modern industrial society
