问题 单项选择题

法律规定的不以当事人的主观意志为转移的能引起法律关系的产生、变更和消灭的属于( )







解析: 法律事件是指法律规范规定的、不以当事人意志为转移而引起的法律关系形成、变更或消灭的客观事实。据此,答案为B项。



Mrs. Smith had a 36in a factory. She swept the floor. She was a very strong old 37. She lived on the top 38of a tall building.

One day 39 work she fell over and 40 her leg. The doctor was 41. He put her leg in plaster (石膏).

"How long do I  42to carry this 43around with me. Doctor?" asked Mrs. Smith.

"44 two months," replied the doctor. "45I will come and take the plaster 46. But 47 then you can not climb up and down stairs 48 do hard work."

49 the end of two months the doctor came again. "Can I climb up and down stairs now. Doctor?" asked Mrs. Smith.

"I think 50." said the doctor.

"Well, I’m very glad to51that." Said Mrs. Smith. "I‘m beginning to feel rather 52. You said I couldn’t climb up and down stairs. The only 53 way into my room was 54 the drainpipe. And that was 55 work, you know."

36.   A.work       B.job        C.doctor       D.home

37.    A.boss       B.lady       C.wife        D.assistant

38.    A.floor       B.ground     C.room        D.office

39.    A.from       B.for         C.on          D.at

40.    A.hit        B.beat        C.hurt         D.broke

41    .A.called out   B.taken       C.sent for      D.asked

42.    A.have       B.want        C.hope        D.force

43    .A.foot        B.leg         C.weight      D.medicine

44.    A.over        B.through     C.around      D.round

45.    A.And         B.Then      C.So          D.As

46.    A.down        B.away      C.out          D.off

47.    A.till          B.by         C.since        D.even

48.    A.not          B.also       C.or           D.end

49.    A.In          B.At        C.On          D.By

50.    A.can          B.not        C.it           D.so

51.    A.see          B.listen      C.hear         D.find

52.    A.tired         B.angry      C.hungry      D.happy

53.    A.other         B.another    C.one        D.a

54.    A.through       B.by        C.on          D.in

55.    A.easy          B.happy     C.hard        D.terrible