A 54-year-old female was found unconscious on the floor of her bathroom with self- inflicted wrist lacerations. An ambulance was called and the client was taken to the emergency department. When she was stable, the client was transferred to the inpatient psychiatric unit for observation and treatment with antidepressants. Now that the client is feeling better, which nursing intervention is most appropriate
A. Observing for extrapyramidal symptoms.
B. Beginning a therapeutic relationship.
C. Canceling any no-suicide contracts.
D. Continuing suicide precautions.
解析:As antidepressants begin to take effect and the client feels better, she may have the energy to initiate and complete another suicide attempt. As the client’s energy level increases, the nurse must continue to be vigilant to the risk of suicide. Extrapyramidal symptoms may occur with antipsychotics and aren’t adverse effects of antidepressants. A therapeutic relationship should be initiated upon admission to the psychiatric unit, after suicide precautions have been instituted. It’s through this relationship that the client develops feelings of self-worth and trust and problem-solving takes place. In a no-suicide contract, the client states verbally or in writing that she won’t attempt suicide and will seek out staff if she has suicidal thoughts. When the time period for a contract has expired, a new contract should be obtained from the client.